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Young Solo has already earned his First Class Corellian Bloodstripe.


Han Solo won both classes of bloodstripes. His second class stripes were rumored to have been earned for the events surrounding his rescue of Chewbacca; his first class stripes were earned during events that have never been disclosed, though apparently the circumstances through which he won them took place over several days.

At some point you have to stop buying figures, because they'll never stop creating new movies in order to create new versions of characters and troopers. Feels like the universe is being devalued through over-saturation. They'll keep making them hoping for the Rogue One lightning to strike again.

I didn't mind getting sucked into Rogue One because Jyn and K-2SO fit right into the OT. The troops were out of the question because they're just there to service the merchandising industry.
They'll keep making them because they make money. There is no lightning in Rogue One except that somehow it was generally well received by fans, but fans are not where the big money is.
And I liked Solo way more than R1.

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I love everything I've seen from Solo so far, aside from the gutpunch of the HT figure yesterday, so I'm hyped to see it. Alden looks and acts great as Han from what I've seen, can't wait!
Went into the movie with low expectations and not wanting this figure last night. Came out pleased and plan to order this now. I don’t expect much else from the movie. Would buy Becket and and the cameo character (not said yet because of spoilers).
The internet is infected by the virus of negativity. Some participants just don't want you to like something. They want you to be as miserable as they are. :lol

I don't recall Rogue One being that belligerently divisive. But things changed with TLJ, and the infection spread to Solo as though people had already decided to hate it based upon TLJ. Like a war being declared on anything new, with Youtube videos being loaded into the guns as ammunition to utterly destroy the film and any support it might have.
I think with Star Wars more than just about any other franchise there’s a segment of the fan base that doesn’t like anything that’s new or doesn’t fall in line with their vision, because in their minds it ruins their childhood memories/nostalgia for the franchise and characters and they immediately shut out anything that’s new or not what they expect. It’s a bit of an odd base of fans I think and a lot of them just are never satisfied beyond anything that’s not the Original Trilogy. I’m a big fan of the originals and think they are the best of the films but I’ve generally had a good time with the new films so far and don’t find any of them terribly offensive like a lot of others seem to.
The SW FB page was filled with negative comments for SOLO a few days ago before the movie came out. Those seemed to be gone or in much smaller number and most people liked the movie. Super excited for tonight now.
Not buying ****s from this movie after finished watching the film

pathetic young Han
I know what I like, and it's what got me hooked in the first place: the OT. So I deviate towards those stories and that period.

But I'm willing to see what good there is in the PT and the ST, even though I consider the PT to be the least likeable in the series.

After watching Solo I can't explain why viewers who actually like Star Wars have such animosity towards it. It's like looking for excuses to dislike it, or exaggerating moments and twisting them until they become some huge offensive issue.

Every film is a journey. And every journey isn't going to go exactly as you want it to. You're on board for the ride, so go with it and see where it takes you. TLJ, for instance, went on a very strange journey, and took some strange decisions. But there's still good in it if you're willing to submit to the journey.


Solo really sucks btw
I thought Solo was great fun btw.

Looking forward to seeing it again and hopefully this story will continue on.

Probably not going to buy this figure because I have no nostalgic feelings for it.
I've got to say I thought Solo was a good film and I really enjoyed it. I thought Ehrenreich followed Ford's guidance on what kind of person Han was pretty well.