I just pick up this set, mms268. I paid $370 for it. IS that the current rate for this set or I overpaid? Sorry, new to Star Wars colelcting. Pre-ordered the RO Vader and needed couple troopers.
They came in. I have Armored Batman stand in for Vader for now until RO Vader arrives.
Decided to sell my ANH Stormie and buy a RO version instead.
Why? They look pretty much the same to me. The ANH has the holster.
RO version just looks nicer to me, I like the green lenses too plus I don't like the holster.
Decided to sell my ANH Stormie and buy a RO version instead.
RO version just looks nicer to me, I like the green lenses too plus I don't like the holster.
Same here.
This little yellow fellow doesn't get out much, but today's his day:
That sounds racist. LOL