Someone told me that they do, so I'll trust them. HK sellers usually always do in my experience though.
I wouldn't be surprised if they make a "younger" aka Clone Wars version of Ahsoka - but yeah I agree that they will probably release a Mandalorian Ahsoka first, and then after releasing clones, CW versions of Dooku, Anakin and Obiwan over the next couple of years, use the Mandalorian Ahsoka head scuplt and young it down some to release a Clone Wars version.
From a business standpoint, ever seeing Admiral Trench from Hot Toys is probably never going to happen. Probably same with Grievous, say nothing of Cad Bane, Ventress, etc. Still, at least we'll likely get a few different clones, so that's something. And the way that Hot Toys likes to roll out variations a'la Iron Man and Stormtroopres, we may see a LOT of clone variations! Just please hold off on the Porcelain pattern clones... these aren't your grandmother's stormtroopers!
Since I have both versions of the SS Rex (Phase I & II), for me it would've been cool to have a 3rd figure being an actual animated style version of Rex more accurate to The Clone Wars. But, I get HT decision and most fans preferring a realistic version.
Anakin only had his armor for the first half of the series, he changed to his traditional jedi outfit before all the clones switched to phase 2 armor. So canonically, it wouldn't fit.
Still. I'd love for them to make one anyway. I have this to tide me over, but the long hair doesn't really fit.
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That's the thing there are already animated versions of Rex out there, it makes no sense for Hot Toys to do the same thing. If they'd released an animated version a lot of people would be saying they'll stick with the SS one as there's no need to upgrade.
?? What 1/6 scale version of an animated Rex is out there?
Pretty sure there isn't. If there was, I'd own it. Only animated Rex style figures/collectibles are the 3 3/4" Hasbro figures, and some Gentle Giant statues and busts.
Isn't the Sideshow version animated? My mistake if it isn't. Maybe it's just the usual sub-standard Sideshow paint job that makes it look that way.
Since I have both versions of the SS Rex (Phase I & II), for me it would've been cool to have a 3rd figure being an actual animated style version of Rex more accurate to The Clone Wars. But, I get HT decision and most fans preferring a realistic version.
I'm more surprised how this doesn't seem to be a very big/improved upgrade over the SS figure, unlike Cody that looks much better (but Cody was also a much earlier release by SS than Phase II Rex was). The Rex head sculpt does look better of course, although the SS being one of their later releases had a pretty decent head sculpt too. Cool to see there are some additional accessories being added as bucket attachments.
This is still a day one PO for me as Rex is my son's favorite SW character. Now I'll have a reason to display Rex with his head sculpt.
I wonder if they will ever make a Phase I version as well? I initially missed out on the Phase I, but wound up getting him later for only a $100 brand new from a freaks member here which was less than the original retail. That was a score!! But, it was also before the prices started to increase and he was still going for about retail on ebay anyway. When I got my Phase II, since unlike Cody who came with both Phase I & II buckets, I had picked up a Phase I Rex helmet from TA in case I never managed to pick up a full SS Phase I version. I know his armor changed as well, but I liked the look of Phase I too and wouldn't have cared if I had the Phase I helmet on the Phase II body.....
Didn?t his pauldron come down further over his chest.
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Wake me up when they do Bly or Deviss.
For phase 1, yes. Phase 2, not so much.