Now that I finally got onboard with the clone troopers my fav look are:
1. Cody
2. Airborne
3. Bly
4. Deviss
5. Rex
Cool thank you
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I had never heard of Deviss until DiF?bio mentioned him and as soon as I saw him I put him on my top five he looks awesome DiFabio has great taste lol
This doesn't look like the Clone Wars. Perhaps they shouldn't have advertised it as such?
If they're getting into bikes, Neo wouldn't be bad with his BARC troopers.
Gree and the camo scout troopers also look pretty cool. Gree would also fit well with HT PT Yoda.
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Oh well, I'm still happy it is live action. I still think there is a chance they are working on animated versions of some characters though as a seperate thing. Seems there is a need and Hot Toys goes with need, because need = $$$.
Extra cost over Cody likely has to do with the fact that Rex is coming with an extra helmet. I'm just waiting for my local retailer to pop him up pre-order and i'll snag him right away. I have been searching for a SSC Rex Phase II for a REASONABLE price for quite some time and all i get are people asking me for ebay prices which is ridiculous. SSC Rex's value has just gone to regular. At this point if someone wanted to sell him to me i would offer $200 USD which is more than fair considering the superior Hot Hoys version is right around the corner.
Ordered. I just broke my rule of collecting OT characters only.
I sold all my Sideshow clones off a few years ago, always regretted it. Rex is my absolute favorite.
I also ordered Cody today. Slippery slope this is....
BBTS has Rex Up as well btw.
Showing sold out already. Also, has a note one per customer.
Yeah the nerve of folks to ask for the going rate of their property![]()
I think this is the main point. Hot Toys should not have advertised these using the Clone Wars logo. That is very misleading.
Now they will suffer the wrath of the animated Clone Wars crowd with every new release. I did see (I think it was in the 40yr Anniversary Vader) FB comments section, someone posted an animated Ahsoka picture saying they wanted that. It got over 100 likes. That is pretty rare and shows the support for Ahsoka and the Clone Wars.
No doubt there is another animated forum somewhere where they are all bitching about the real life figure release.
Oh well, I'm still happy it is live action. I still think there is a chance they are working on animated versions of some characters though as a seperate thing. Seems there is a need and Hot Toys goes with need, because need = $$$.