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You can argue all you want but I?m telling you what canon says. The burden of proof is not on me to prove your negative proof fallacy. I have already provided and cited the source.
I get what you?re saying and it would be cool if it were Vader?s crystal but canon currently says it?s not. Ridiculousness or not, its pretty clear on what the pendant he wears is.
You interpret what you want and I will what I will, just like the others that agreed with me. That's what opinion is all about. They dont say specifically if the sith crystal is even of the same time period so because it's not specified I agree to disagree and on this side of the fence youre wrong and it's not fallacy anything to have an imagination. I see you're black and white on the subject and thanks for sharing. ;)

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You interpret what you want and I will what I will, just like the others that agreed with me. That's what opinion is all about. They dont say specifically if the sith crystal is even of the same time period so because it's not specified I agree to disagree and on this side of the fence youre wrong and it's not fallacy anything to have an imagination. I see you're black and white on the subject and thanks for sharing. ;)

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I still maintain that you can't weaponize hyperspace, you can't fly through space, ghosts can't start fires, etc...
Yeah even as someone who loves the movie and thought it was an absolutely iconic and badass scene, it will still be kind of weird having a Luke in my SW collection that was only a Force projection and... didn't actually exist. :D

I'd still take a force ghost Ben, Yoda and (old) Anakin, as hard as they'd be to make look cool.:dunno

The whole force projection thing really didn't make any sense to me in a half dozen different ways but at least it delivered a Luke that can fulfil a moment in the movie but also that "older OT Luke" that some on here are buying it for (ie the look doesn't have some visual aspect that makes it a projection).
Never understood the "fly through space" complaint. Are we arguing that the force can push something in atmosphere but can't pull you to something in space?

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You can argue all you want but I?m telling you what canon says. The burden of proof is not on me to prove your negative proof fallacy. I have already provided and cited the source.
I get what you?re saying and it would be cool if it were Vader?s crystal but canon currently says it?s not. Ridiculousness or not, its pretty clear on what the pendant he wears is.

While it's perfectly possible that he found a pendant on Ach-To(Or elsewhere on his ROTJ to The Force Awakens Era travels), or that he found a cracked Sith Saber crystal, and made the pendant himself, or indeed there may have been a sect of Jedi called the Jedi Crusaders(Or an era called the Jedi Crusades, of which this artifact is from), the coolest part of Star Wars is the "Just enough info to speculate on alternatives" way of storytelling, just telling you enough to intrigue you. Enough to get your imagination going.
No-one is "arguing" here. We are just having a pleasant chat about something that wasn't made explicit in the movie. It reads like you're all bent out of shape because we would like to believe it's something different. Our thoughts on the matter don't conflict with yours. Just different ideas.

Here's another question for canon: How could Luke have his ROTJ Lightsaber when training his new Jedi order when it's canon that he lost it in the DSII? He threw it away when defying the Emperor, and we never saw him retrieve it. We explicitly see him dragging Vader to the shuttle with no Saber on his belt.

You interpret what you want and I will what I will, just like the others that agreed with me. That's what opinion is all about. They dont say specifically if the sith crystal is even of the same time period so because it's not specified I agree to disagree and on this side of the fence youre wrong and it's not fallacy anything to have an imagination. I see you're black and white on the subject and thanks for sharing. ;)

I still maintain that you can't weaponize hyperspace, you can't fly through space, ghosts can't start fires, etc...

Do you think a force ghost walking through a forest would brush past trees and bushes and make them move with his passing?
Never understood the "fly through space" complaint. Are we arguing that the force can push something in atmosphere but can't pull you to something in space?

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I also never understood to the complaints claimed to "never understood" like this one about why we never understood the logic of the Force pratically applied in outerspace from this movie :).
The saber was on his waist clip at the Endor celebration he has his green saber in the final scene of ROTJ that’s about as canon as you can get.

The saber was on his waist clip at the Endor celebration he has his green saber in the final scene of ROTJ that’s about as canon as you can get.

View attachment 468841

All I meant was we don’t see him holding it in the hangar scene and it’s not on his belt.
We all know it’s just a continuity error. That’s all. But there’s room for interpretation in several aspects of the story.
It’s all just a healthy debate.
Never understood the "fly through space" complaint. Are we arguing that the force can push something in atmosphere but can't pull you to something in space?

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk

For me it was partly the way the Leia Poppins moment was staged - her in a sort of comically theatrical dancer's pose and moving cartoonishly like a superhero - coupled with the reality of zero gravity debris (ie "science" space, not fantasy space) shown alongside her body not seeming to suffer any of the temperature or pressure extremes one would expect in realistically presented space.

It might have been good to have seen her struggle to some degree also, both physically and mentally (think Luke in the Wampa cave with the saber) - she seems to just sort of open her eyes and effortlessly scoot back to the ship.

All that being said, I appreciated it visually as a nice farewell sequence for CF and Leia's opportunity to have force moments was laregly ignored in the films. Like the Holdo manuever, which also made little sense to me, it was at least beautifully shot.
All I meant was we don?t see him holding it in the hangar scene and it?s not on his belt.
We all know it?s just a continuity error. That?s all. But there?s room for interpretation in several aspects of the story.
It?s all just a healthy debate.

But couldn?t we also say that he didn?t load Vader onto the ship before escaping because we didn?t see it happen? But Vader was on the funeral pyre burning before Luke made his appearance at the celebration. Half of everything we ?understand? to be the story of SW could be dismissed if we say we didn?t see it happen so it must not have.
But couldn?t we also say that he didn?t load Vader onto the ship before escaping because we didn?t see it happen? But Vader was on the funeral pyre burning before Luke made his appearance at the celebration. Half of everything we ?understand? to be the story of SW could be dismissed if we say we didn?t see it happen so it must not have.

Of course!
That was actually my point!
Star Wars *doesn't* tell you more details than it *does*.
My point was actually to say that until a movie confirms a detail, it’s always subject to a retcon later down the line.
That’s the only point I was trying to make. Not to refute evidence seen on screen. Just that Star Wars always holds more details in reserve.

Spent some time with it and I concluded that as far as Hot Toys figures go, this one looks better in photos than it does in hand.

Sculpt also ostensibly improves when looked at from a distance looking straight at it or 3/4. The profile of the sculpt doesn't look like Hamill whatsover.

Overall, as a guy that didn't mind and even enjoyed this iteration of Luke in TLJ, this figure feels one dimensional and does nothing for me (granted if I spend more time with it, it might grow on me) so back in the box it goes.

Also should note that the hood feels very cheap but the metal posing wire feels improved and stronger over the one on the ROTJ Luke.
Spent some time with it and I concluded that as far as Hot Toys figures go, this one looks better in photos than it does in hand.

Sculpt also ostensibly improves when looked at from a distance looking straight at it or 3/4. The profile of the sculpt doesn't look like Hamill whatsover.

Overall, as a guy that didn't mind and even enjoyed this iteration of Luke in TLJ, this figure feels one dimensional and does nothing for me (granted if I spend more time with it, it might grow on me) so back in the box it goes.

Well that's certainly not what I wanted to read. :lol I'll be getting this figure no matter what, but you've definitely lowered my expectations. Thank you very much for the photos and your in-hand impressions. Very helpful (even if discouraging).
Is the nameplate on the stand blank or is it the photo? And they really made the Crait surface dark blood red.
Well that's certainly not what I wanted to read. :lol I'll be getting this figure no matter what, but you've definitely lowered my expectations. Thank you very much for the photos and your in-hand impressions. Very helpful (even if discouraging).

Yeah, this was probably my most anticipated figure for the year (apart from the Mark 7). Again, the figure does look terrific from a distance and I emphasis that I am really speaking from first impressions. Others will no doubt perceive it differently.

Is the nameplate on the stand blank or is it the photo? And they really made the Crait surface dark blood red.

It's just a weird camera thing - didn't pick up for some reason. Yeah, the base is excellent.
Well that's certainly not what I wanted to read. :lol I'll be getting this figure no matter what, but you've definitely lowered my expectations. Thank you very much for the photos and your in-hand impressions. Very helpful (even if discouraging).


Yeah, that is super discouraging. HT has really delivered the goods on older SW characters, but seems like that run has come to an end.

Yeah, that is super discouraging. HT has really delivered the goods on older SW characters, but seems like that run has come to an end.

I think the TFA Han benefited from an accurate sculpt from the get-go. Never came around to this one even from the PO pics and that was cemented when I opened it up this morning. The TLJ Leia I feel is also very underrated and the Hobo Luke sculpt is up there with HT's best which is funny considering the only ST figure to survive in my collection is the Force Awakens Kylo (which to be fair was my first HT).

Shame you don't like it because it looks fantastic in your pics. From every angle and distance.

I was quite surprised by how good it looked when I took the photos in comparison to the figure right in front of it - if that makes sense. Normally, it's the opposite.
Shame you don't like it because it looks fantastic in your pics. From every angle and distance.

I agree! Those shots are the best we've seen so far. ...really sorry you are let down with it. Thanks all the same for the great photos.
I'm still very much looking forward to this.