Super Freak
I don't think it's the fact that they're a pairing item/character. It's the fact that it's a Blurrg.
I don't think it's the fact that they're a pairing item/character. It's the fact that it's a Blurrg.
Yeah, it would be like making Hoth Leia and no Bespin Han... oh wait. Or Baze and no Chirrut (mentioned above). Or R2 and no 3PO.
Not sure how many things HT made that pair perfectly yet do not get made. *snip*
Egregiously, Solo Han (not a typo) and no Chewie.
Think what you will about the movie but come on. A Chewie with snow gear and they didn't think that would sell?
He was also taken from the ship to Kuiil in that repulsorlift crate, and the pram was the one Kuill built.
Bingo !
The optimist in me says that (and the Blurrgs) are a clear sign for Kuiil.
The pessimist says, why did they go and part it out like that ?? They would be perfect additional items to come with Kuiil. Perhaps it pushed the price too high ??
I give up until we do or don't see him released.....over to you Hot Toys...
Due to recent inquiries, we would like to clarify that the traditional Comic-Con in-person event in San Diego, normally held in July, has been postponed until summer 2022. However, Comic-Con@Home will return as an online event on July 23-25, 2021.
Maybe for July????
One other point is that the Drogu collection set also has one which is wrapped in a blue blanket. Wasn't the only time when he was wrapped like that with Kuiil trying to get back to the ship, then the speeder bike troopers catch him ??
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You guys keep reading between the lines, looking for secret clues and hidden treasure.. this isn't goonies... they literally show entire figures that never get released. ENTIRE FIGURES THAT NEVER GET RELEASED. Sandrooper Sergeant, never forget. *wipes away tear*
It still pains me that they never released the Chewie and the range trooper. Those both would have been easy sells.
You guys keep reading between the lines, looking for secret clues and hidden treasure.. this isn't goonies... they literally show entire figures that never get released. ENTIRE FIGURES THAT NEVER GET RELEASED. Sandrooper Sergeant, never forget. *wipes away tear*
Talk about Fat shaming. Goonies was so far ahead of the curve.
The present day is so lame it's not even funny. You can barely leave your home or tell a joke. Somewhere there is some knucklehead who went to college for 12 years who insists on being called "doctor" despite never attending medical school who is analyzing the harmful lasting psychological effects of the truffle shuffle and the potential trauma The Goonies could inflict on future generations if left unedited.
OK JCFett you only get the Sandtrooper Sergeant if you do the Truffle Shuffle first.