Just got this in, I had some sort of deal or something and paid him off. The velcro I think is to hold his neck wrap in place since there is matching velcro on that. There's a magnet someplace for the backpack, but it's incredibly weak.

Especially with the weight of the backpack. Way to go Hot Toys
No big deal I'll pick up some magnets off Amazon if I don't have any laying around, and stuff up his shirt in back. Or something.
Other than that, I am very happy to have him in, finally. IMO one of the more amazing characters introduced into the SW universe. HT did a good job with the sculpt, costume. And I NEEDED him to go with my S1/S2 lineup. Plus, with this guy, I can give him all kinds of accessories and stuff. Passed on a Blurrg for now, 'coz of space and having the Dewback on PO. Tho the pics are horribly enabling.