Bo Shrek
Super Freak
I'm looking forward to spending $400 Canadian on Keeli.....wait what's his name??
such a whining fest in this thread
Typically par the course for every figure thread.
Whine about wanting a figure.
Whine about wanting the figure put up for PO
Whine when other figures get put up for PO
Whine when the PO is up but release date is 15 months out
Whine during the wait
Whine about the delay
Whine about slow shipping
Whine about SSC shipment order
Whine about a little imperfection that makes it only 99% screen accurate
You should start a thread about it
Whine about not having a whining thread.
I was so disappointed they did not kill off mando and continue the series with Kuiil.
Epic post! I almost missed this as I was distracted by Turd's hissy fit over HT's putting Miles Morales up for order before Kuiiiiiiiillllllllllll. Damn, the name itself is a whine.![]()
I merely commented on and memed the obvious![]()
Yeah, but it's still Spider-man. Just because there's not as much enthusiasm for the figure here is by no means indicative of how it will sell. Plus the Miles figure debuted at L.A. Micro Con back in April, 3 weeks or so before Kuiil was shown. It shouldn't have been a surprise to see him go up for order first.
It's kinda Spiderman, but that is stretching. It's a really weird looking video game figure on roller skates with a cat. And as such it's clearly super popular based on all the interest it has generated.
I call out stupid Star Wars stuff too by the way, not just Marvel. It wouldn't be as big a deal but with HT production power clearly nerfed, the time and resources could be much more wisely diverted towards something else.
Thankfully we got a trash figure of a character so popular that it took twelve hours for anyone to even bother making a thread for that has generated a whopping 16 comments in over 24 hours since the trash figure's release.
Well since Tali likes it I'll stop making fun. As an aside the suit is perfect for taking a swim after cosplaying at conventions...Some of us like trash - this is me and ruffles debuting our Miles/bodega cosplay outfits for SDCC21As you can see it would have been perfect for Micro-con but that was webcam only.
Now they?re just torturing us, far right hand side.
I'd rather have a Bespin Ugnaught in my collection than Kuiil. IMO the show was a good watch but I find myself struggling through watching again.