Unfortunately if there was ever a figure that screamed shared Toy Fair Exclusive...
Why do people always call for figures to be convention/toy fair exclusives? What is the fetish with that?
Unfortunately if there was ever a figure that screamed shared Toy Fair Exclusive...
I think what TLJ really added to SW is the feeling that we could all potentially be a force user. Just like the accidents usually leading to someone becoming a superhero in the Marvel Universe could potentially happen to anyone and therefor is relatable.
?No offense?!? HAHAHAH!!! [emoji1787]
Yes, I asked you if your mom had allowed you to use the internet again, but I was just worried that you might be in for a grounding.
But now it seems to me she isn?t really keeping watch, so by all means, go on.
So let me get this straight: You genuinely believe it’s relatable that some mad scientist out there is one lab accident away from becoming the Hulk, that the government could potentially be developing super soldier serum and a vita-ray chamber and that you could potentially be selected for it, or that you could potentially possess the Force within you.....and you’re poking fun at him by insinuating that he’s the one with no life who lives in his mother’s basement?
*eating popcorn .gif*
Doesn't everyone on this forum live in their mother's basement?
...But what could I expect [emoji2368]
That we all could be potential Force practitioners?
Haha, you really think you can drag me into this!? Are you bored? [emoji23]
*eating popcorn .gif*
Doesn't everyone on this forum live in their mother's basement?
I think what TLJ really added to SW is the feeling that we could all potentially be a force user. Just like the accidents usually leading to someone becoming a superhero in the Marvel Universe could potentially happen to anyone and therefor is relatable.
I am pretty sure that this is the message TLJ was trying to deliver. Especially the last scene with the little boy.
I am also pretty sure that no one in this forum believes that Star Wars is real @SilverStar17![]()
Ugh, please tell me every ST figure thread isn't going to be like this the rest of the year.
Broom kid exists in a make believe universe. We don’t. Hence, us all potentially possessing make believe mystical abilities is not relatable.![]()
Well, I didn't understand his post that way, and with all due respect, I was surprised you did.
And like slikkerias said, you stood up defending someone who actually started the fight...
Dont exhausting yourself trying to be a tough guy, paricularly here, in this toy forum.
First of all, if these criticisms are too much for your fragile ego to handle, their is always a "block function". Second of all, silkeras guy dragged "mom" into the previous argument, and now your turn to turn in question about my "education level" ? Are you guys for real ?
Dont flatter yourself assuming you're superior than others just simply because your "ST ideology" constantly being mocked.
If you're intereted in what I do for a living, or my education background. Feel free to shoot me a private message anytime.
He stated that the message taught in TLJ was the feeling that we all could potentially be a Force user, which was followed by him then adding that all the ways that the MCU superheroes became superheroes could happen to anyone, and that’s why it’s relatable.
If he’s talking about possessing and relating to the virtues and feelings that some of these characters do, then I would agree. But that’s not what he said. I do not watch SW and walk away feeling like I could potentially possess a make believe mystical power deep within me, nor did I feel like Dr. Erskine might grab me tomorrow to be injected with super serum and be doused with vita-rays when I walked out of the theater after seeing The First Avenger. Or that a mad scientist somewhere out there is one lab accident away from becoming the Hulk.
I don’t know the history between those two posters, or what fights they had. However, going as far as a couple of pages back, I didn’t see where he actually called slikkerias stupid. He simply said that what slikkerias said was stupid, which I would agree that it’s pretty asinine.
He stated that the message taught in TLJ was the feeling that we all could potentially be a Force user, which was followed by him then adding that all the ways that the MCU superheroes became superheroes could happen to anyone, and that?s why it?s relatable.
If he?s talking about possessing and relating to the virtues and feelings that some of these characters do, then I would agree. But that?s not what he said. I do not watch SW and walk away feeling like I could potentially possess a make believe mystical power deep within me, nor did I feel like Dr. Erskine might grab me tomorrow to be injected with super serum and be doused with vita-rays when I walked out of the theater after seeing The First Avenger. Or that a mad scientist somewhere out there is one lab accident away from becoming the Hulk.
I don?t know the history between those two posters, or what fights they had. However, going as far as a couple of pages back, I didn?t see where he actually called slikkerias stupid. He simply said that what slikkerias said was stupid, which I would agree that it?s pretty asinine.
He stated that what he gleaned from TLJ was him feeling that we all could potentially be a Force user, which was followed by him then adding that all the ways that the MCU superheroes became superheroes could happen to anyone, and that’s why it’s relatable.
If he’s talking about possessing and relating to the virtues and feelings that some of these characters do, then I would agree that’s relatable. But that’s not what he said. I do not watch SW and walk away feeling like I could potentially possess a make believe mystical power deep within me, nor did I feel like Dr. Erskine might grab me tomorrow to be injected with super serum and be doused with vita-rays when I walked out of the theater after seeing The First Avenger. Or that a mad scientist somewhere out there is one lab accident away from becoming the Hulk.
I don’t know the history between those two posters, or what fights they had. However, going as far as a couple of pages back, I didn’t see where he actually called slikkerias stupid. He simply said that what slikkerias said was stupid, which I would agree that it’s pretty ridiculous.
The idea that someone here might think that he can actually use the force someday is so far from reality that I'd never assume that he meant himself by the word "we". It's literally and figuratively. "All the nobodies in the Star Wars universe".
It's like if they say "you don't have to be a Skywalker". They don't mean you SilverStar by the word "you".
How can an opinion about a subjective piece of media be stupid?
I would say that insulting individuals for having those harmless opinions is ridiculous, rather than the opinion itself.
The only opinions I think are worth starting arguments over are those that actually hurt people (insults, hate, racism, sexism). Those should be called out.
But back to the toys that I'm sure we'd all rather talk about. It's extremely eye-roll inducing to come into a doll thread and just see people whining to each other lol (I'm aware I'm contributing to this by adding input).
I hope they revisit the sculpt, and that the clothes end up looking better on the production figure. It looked better at secret base than the pre-order pics. So we'll see. If they improve the clothes enough I'll probably pick it up and decide what to do about the sculpt. Hopefully it all improves, though. I'm surprised they've had so much trouble with the likeness, especially since IMO TFA has been the closest sculpt.
And here I thought you were joking, or rather trolling... you might just be pedantic, probably, pedantic and bored, but really!? You think anyone in this world who?s able to write a sentence would think they potentially could be a force user - unless you?re 10 years old? And if you?re 10 years old you?re allowed to dream and believe you can be anything you want.
And well, he did not call me stupid in this thread (yet), since it?s quite new, but he comments with mockery to nearly everything I post in this forum. Not just my posts, but I believe I?m his favorite.
I don?t mind much since I find it rather funny and pathetic. But what I don?t get is you biting on it....