Hot Toys Star Wars?

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I can't even see them doing droids based on comments I've read lately about what Sideshow has coming in that department.
Last year, they showed a few beautiful pics of the T-800 on New Years. I don't want to wait months again for news on this supposed Star Wars thing. HT know what they're doing. They wouldn't put that Force comment into a post if they didn't have something up their sleeve.
I seriously don't want Hot Toys to start a new line of Star Wars figures, I only expect they play a bigger role in Sideshow's line, or they make the most popular characters and stop it there. But whatever the case, a fraction of the people at the forums will be satisfied.
Last year, they showed a few beautiful pics of the T-800 on New Years. I don't want to wait months again for news on this supposed Star Wars thing. HT know what they're doing. They wouldn't put that Force comment into a post if they didn't have something up their sleeve.


I agree. They are going to release something to ____ with Medicom/Enterbay just like they did with the Bruce Lee fig. Maybe even a Luke as the first figure to directly compete. :lol
Sideshow seems to nail everything but the main characters just fine.

Not that it's going to happen, but someone needs to take up the torch of Han Luke Leia and Chewie. The other SS stuff will fit just fine.
If HT is truly working with Sideshow shouldn't the official word be coming from Sideshow instead.

So perhaps HT can only hint for now, they can't talk yet.:lol
Hot Toys makes better 1/6 figures than SSC, but for the most part I can only admire them from afar because of the cost. I prefer the SSC figures because they are more affordable and I can actually own the ones I want the most, also they have recognized that some figures need to be taller and shorter than others. I would rather have a complete line of very good figures than a limited line of fantastic figures.
You only have to see Bagelsncheesey's review of Greedo to see Sideshow still make great Star Wars figures.
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You only have to see Bagelsncheesey's review of Greedo to see Sideshow still make great Star Wars figures.QUOTE]

Sideshow does make great figures, when they are Aliens and Clones (Clone credit also goes to HT) but they really fall short on Human likenesses, which is where most people believe this line would truly benefit from HT's experience.

As has been stated many times, (as far as any rational person can tell) Sideshow is NOT going to stop making Star Wars figures.

I for one welcome HT taking a stab at some human characters, and a wookie for that matter. Truth is, we don't really know what HT will be doing, it's all wait and see, but if your really worried about Sideshow discontinuing Star Wars, than I think your fears are irrational. Star Wars is their bread and butter, there is no way they are letting go of this line as long as they can help it.
I think there were more people over the course of this thread who had hoped Hot Toys would get the license than there were those who feared they would.
Sideshow seems to nail everything but the main characters just fine.

That's kind of how I feel about it too. :1-1:

If HT is truly working with Sideshow shouldn't the official word be coming from Sideshow instead. So perhaps HT can only hint for now, they can't talk yet.:lol

Well let's look at the history....Sideshow wasn't the first to officially announced Planet of the Apes....or Terminator.....or Indiana Jones. I guarantee you that first word of a Hot Toys Star Wars license will comes from Hot Toys but like the others be proudly featured in a Sideshow Newsletter and on their site.

Hot Toys makes better 1/6 figures than SSC, but for the most part I can only admire them from afar because of the cost. a short matter of time all 1/6 companies will phase you out then. Most of us as well. Right now Hot Toys seems expensive but look at SSC's figures, all gradually moving their way towards that price. The latest GI Joe figures are averaging $129.99...HT's price only a few years ago. Medicom's prices have continued to rise hitting the $200 mark in some cases without blinking.

I would rather have a complete line of very good figures than a limited line of fantastic figures.

I have to disagree with this statement. I'd rather have three fantastic Star Wars figures with perfect likenesses, immaculate weapons and amazing costuming than 50 figures with "good" everything else. I'd gladly sell or trade my entire Star Wars Sideshow line to buy one fantastic Jedi Luke....whether that would come from Hot Toys or not is another question.

You only have to see Bagelsncheesey's review of Greedo to see Sideshow still make great Star Wars figures.

Greedo looks fantastic. Sideshow has always been out of the park with aliens. Looking at figures like Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi for example to see that Sideshow has the ability to do that as well with their human characters but they fall flat over multiple licenses. If it were up to me Sideshow and Hot Toys would just announce a joint license with both companies working together on every figure but Hot Toys specifically on the human likenesses and SSC on the Aliens.....except the Wookie.

I think there were more people over the course of this thread who had hoped Hot Toys would get the license than there were those who feared they would.

Yeah, people seemed to take a possible hint and turned it into quite an ordeal but tis the nature of these boards :lol

i just want good items that i can afford. don't care who makes them.

Me too. Unfortunately looking at the trends of 1/6 figures, my time in this realm is limited. I can get a Falconer Predator for around $200 shipped on eBay. I can get a Undead Carcass PF for the same price. Eventually it won't be logical to go smaller for me.
EPIC thread reset!

I agree, as much as I love the scale and posability, as 1/6th prices creap up it makes PFs look all that much better.

I collect 1/6the because I used to be able to affordably amass several figures for an awesome display.

So if I can't afford to go quantity anymore, then I'll go quality and get a PF instead.
I think my total 180 from SS 1:6 Star Wars into CO 1:13 Doctor Who is partially because the prices have become ridiculous.
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