The Ringer
Super Freak
I personally have not seen a bad picture yet. They all look fine to me.
I personally have not seen a bad picture yet. They all look fine to me.
Indeed, but if the in hand folks' word is to be taken at full value, there's some magic we're not seeing. This thing sounds very impressive in hand, but some of the things said about it aren't translating through. This new skin method hasn't shown to me so much yet, what I've seen so far is on par with every other HT head I own, very anxious to see what's going on in person.
exactly. The photos from most people are good , its just ( and I couldn't take them myself before you ask) I think they could be alot better.
The teaser shots with the bank robber from hot toys shown off the sculpt quite well ( but probably still not the best it could be ) and then in hand photos started to show up and with not so skilled photographers taking the photos and the figure doesn't look as great. I can't remember wheter the teaser shots with the bank robber were with the prototype two-face figure or not but still the photos shown off the overall figure , proto or not , quite well.
IN a strange way it takes away the excitement for the figure since the figure doesn't look as good as it could but then the excitement gets right back to you when you recieve it because its miles better than you thought it would be.
If thats makes sense.....
I noticed some people canceling their two-face figures after seeing the in hands shots but I think these things need to be seen in hand before making decisions like that. Ecspeically when this is the best one on the market now and probably for a good while if not forever.
Plus these aren't probably going to drop in price so if you don't like it you can sell it when it arrives anyway.
but it makes sense for people who have it and enjoy it to defend it a little.
The wait is so longgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
yeah lol i brought one before my first Hot Toys got here, spend all that money on them and they get attacked by dust straight away.Haha no kidding thats the exact one i was looking at, and ikea had them on sale, i just never got there over my christmas breakI'll have to go this weekend, really need something asap, they dust up like crazy
I dont get what you're saying Devil, you're saying, we who have the figure cannot make any excuses, but people who havnt can state random FACTS. you say ''You don't have to convince people that "in-hand it'll be better". It won't be. It'll be exactly what you see in pics '' and that's FACT, and anyone else who disagrees is wrong? How on earth do you work that out? You havnt even seen it in person! Personally, i have the figure myself, my pictures suck, and yes the figure does look alot better in hand. Is that wrong? Is that just plain not right at all? Does my figure look exactly like my pics. No way, my pics are horrible, yeah it looks a fair bit like it, but there's ahelluva lot of detail and niceties i cant capture through a lense. We are talking DETAIL here, not looking past issues, they are there for sure. No ones trying to make excuses, or convince anyone of anything, no one's saying anything is wrong with the people that dont like it, but you are acting as if there is with the people that DO. No one's saying there's no issues, i'm certainly not looking past them, i admit they are there, but again, i'm talking about DETAIL. we dont work for Hot Toys, it's not our product, no ones trying to sell you on anything, it's totally ok if you dont like the figure, but i'm simply stating that the figure looks alot better in hand, and is alot more detailed than pictures would have you believe. How can say, 9/10 people who actually have it, agree on this, and one person that hasnt seen it in the flesh say they are all out of their minds, it's identical. Of course, nothing major changes, THE first thing my sister said when she picked mine up was, ''how come he has that line across his thumb''
I agree with you however that, for the people who have it, there's nothing to defend, its a personal purchase, as long as you like it, you dont have to care what others think, and it isnt your own product.
Funnily enough, I actually would probably buy a Hot Toys Two-Face based off Batman the Animated Series.