Super Freak
Ada Wong...? Seriously Hot Toys, since when does resident evil have more priority than batman??
They are doing this on purpose, Hot Toys is such a big tease.
Ada Wong...? Seriously Hot Toys, since when does resident evil have more priority than batman??
Haha, I'm just messing around. I think he'll probably be last of the lot as well. "Save the best for last" as they say?
Friend of mine just told me hes been waiting a year and a half for ada wong and hes not pleased in the least by what hes seen lol
I can't say I find Ada Wong to be a very interesting looking character in the first place.
C'mon, show him already, HT! Hopefully we see him by the end of the month!
C'mon, show him already, HT! Hopefully we see him by the end of the month!
Every still, mouth open. ****ing mouth breather.
That cowl must have been hell, especially if the nose holes were closed up.
Yeah,i kinda figured that they would be making an announcement this week and the way it's going, it looks like a release every two weeks but i could be wrong!I just got online and I saw that Ada was released. This one person on OSR posted a pic of theirs. Just Spider-man and maybe PPS final product pictures until....HIM...
He didn't do that almost at all back in 2008, strangely. So it's not neccesarily the cowl itself. In TDK he used the "angry face plate" a lot more
I actually think he looks good with that slightly parted lips expression. Though I will agree that it was too much in "Rises". He really had it "on" all the time in that film.
Yeah, even though I want to see the "teeth-grinding" faceplate with the Sonar like when he was looking for the Joker in that building. If they make Joker he NEEDS a metal pipe, two-three dogs, bazooka, grenade rig, CLOTHES WITH THE RIGHT COLOR, suit not made by Kato because it would get ruined in the process, Not have Yulli sculpt it because she sucks at sculpting Ledger Joker, broken pool stick, shoe knife, gun, machine gun, shotgun, spring blade knife, silver Swiss Army knife, "potato peeler" knife, secondary head for his sterner looks with PERS (done right) aaaand real leather coated hands for more accurate feel than just plastic.
I probably wouldn't even get half of these though.