Amazing pics! Making the wait for this thing really tough!
Curious... Can the gauntlets not be rotated to point back???
For those who preordered from cmdstore, which i assume is just me and one other member here... Well they will ship in October.
End of october
Damn I hope BBTS doesn't take that long.
I dont mind waiting since im paying $455. But what im afraid of is cmdstore not getting any of the figure in stock... Has that ever happened before with other stores?
Has anyone ever had their order cancelled by any store because they dont have enough?
i had my order cancelled on viking playground for the dx02 because they didnt get any of their dx02 they had ordered, luckly i was able to get one through csc. viking playground still has excellent service, this was probably one of those times where it wasnt their fault for ot getting a product.
Damn... Thats what im worried about... I proerdered from cmd on august 18 lol. Pretty darn late
So is there definitly gonna be a 1/4 Joker? Otherwise im gonna pick up Enterbays.
The angry face works well in your pics, retaane. I think it may even be the first one I use. Fantastic face plates, all of them.
Is that from SSC?
No fraid not.