YES! BD T is what I want... but this one looks so good I may have to get it as well.
I pray they carry this through with at least one T-1000.
I pray they carry this through with at least one T-1000.
I figured it had im a bit late to the drawThis is only going to lead to the full Battle damaged T-800
YES! BD T is what I want... but this one looks so good I may have to get it as well.
I pray they carry this through with at least one T-1000.
After the 16,000 Terminator Salvation figures they just made I have all the confidence in the world we'll see many more.
So true, probably the only time I have been glad HT made a million TS figures....just think of how many T2 ones we will have to savour!!
After the 16,000 Terminator Salvation figures they just made I have all the confidence in the world we'll see many more.
I wonder if they popped the wrist joint out some here to achieve this pose or if they've improved something to get the hand to bend that far back.
Wow good call. Looks somehow different to me like it's a new joint. Hopefully this is the case as I love this pose.
Forgive me if this was posted already but looks as if Arnie will have the Endo arm, possibly as a exclusive??
Any guesses on who did the sculpt work?
My guess is Yulli.
I hope it's a fully articulated neck, I can see texturing and sculptural detail, but after Wolverine, you can't use that as assumption it's not rubber.
I see a line below his ears across to the hairline in back, so it looks to be articulated... with a sculpted neck.