You know, I absolutely agree with everything you said! I remember being in the theater confused why the terrifying terminator series had become a comedy film, and with T:S, I understood where they were going with that, but to me they just focused on the least interesting bit (the future war), and even then, did it in a way that completely changed the setting and made it obsolete. That's to say nothing about the toothless, changed ending that took away the whole point of the film.
And the less said about the television series, the better.
I guess that's part of why I loved Genisys so much. To me, I agree it was very fan-servicey, and tried to go back to what made the first two work. How successful that was depends on person to person, but hopefully we can agree that at least it tried to go back to basics
Also, that's a fantastic shot! I thought it was a screencap for a second! Well, I wasn't going to remove his jacket before, but now...

Are you displaying yours, and if so, how? I'm thinking of kit bashing an Emilia Clarke sculpt on my HT Sarah Connor body, and doing the same for Byung-hun on the T1000 (although it's near impossible to find that HT figure at anywhere near a reasonable rate).
Speaking of which, would you (or anyone else) by any chance know if the Byung-hun head sculpts floating around eBay are any good?
I also found a Emilia-Clarke-as-Sarah-Connor sculpt on Sculpt4ever, but I'm not sure if it's a reputable company first of all (considering how barebones the website is), or secondly if it's worth the 120 USD price tag...
Looks good, but I'm not sure if that's 120 dollars good... Especially considering the Byung-hun sculpts are going for close to 10% that asking price... Either the Sarah Connor is ridiculously fantastic (or overpriced), or the T1000 is ridiculously misleading
By the way, brilliant avatar!