This is the first figure I got, and it has sentimental value in that sense.
Also in that there is a pivotal moment in the film where this crazed Batman is jolted back to his senses by the "Martha" reference. In that moment he realizes that all these criminals and monsters he has been chasing around his whole life... progressively heading down a dark path of meting out punishment to them versus administering justice... is really rooted in his own rage at himself for being unable to prevent his parents death as a child, i.e., he's been unconsciously projecting all that. To be fair, by the same token the enemies he's fought as a crimefighter really are evil. And he has a vision of the future courtesy of Barry Allen's time travel (spacetime warping) of Supes gone evil, that is essentially a 'memory' from the future, if you will. That's the main reason he goes balls out to kill Superman, imo. Had we gotten the five film arc Snyder wanted to do, we would have seen that Darkseid ravaged earth developed that we got a glimpse of in the BvS Knightmare vision. But anyway, I love the complexity of that moment. And if you look closely at the movie you will see that the first instant that this epiphany that he has been projecting onto Superman dawns on him, he has that sort of... 'lost in thought' facial expression?... that the figure has.
But I have since gotten the amazing BvS Batman and will soon be getting Tactical Suit Batman from JL. So I think back in the box this guy will go for a time. I have limited display space. And I find that if I have too many figures on display there's just too much going on visually, and it's hard to see the trees from the forest. Better for my brain to keep the figures on display to a relatively small number and rotate them from time to time.