Hot Toys The Batman figure wishlist/predictions

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Sep 9, 2005
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I hope this goes without saying but expect spoilers in this thread.

Now that the movie is out and basic Hot Toys figures run about $275 these days, what characters are you interested in seeing made? What ones do you think will get made? Are the Batcycle or Batmobile actually going to get released?

For me, beyond the current Batman available to preorder I would like to see the following 4 characters:

-The Riddler. He’s at the top of my list because he’s likely the one main character least likely to appear in another film or TV series. He was a great new take on the character and I’d like to see him with the opening murder weapon, Suzy tapthumb drive, neck bomb, phone, question mark coffee, and alternate unmasked head. Most of his accessories are small but he may still come in at $300 if they do an unmasked head. I’d like for him to come with the rest of the riddle cards not coming with other figures. Each figure coming with a riddle would be a nice way to tie everyone together.

-Gordon. This really felt like a true partnership with Batman. Oldman was great but he and Bale’s Batman didn’t seem this close. He should come with some riddles and crime scene stuff. Not sure if HT will be able to give him his pistol. Packing him with the Batsignal like the last one would have been a good idea but is too late. He’d likely get the convention exclusive treatment. Not a visually interesting character but an important one. Maybe he’ll go gray in the sequels otherwise he ought to pretty much look the same, even with the inevitable promotion.

-The Penguin. He seem very likely with a spin off HBO show in the works. HT might opt to do another Peacemaker and wait for his show before putting him out. Really any of his outfits would be welcome the club Tuxedo is rather interesting and his suit and trenchcoat look is a good choice as well. Again, hopefully he can come with some guns. Maybe a glass of booze and the photos Batman uses to question him. While it real prominent in the film, an umbrella would be a nice addition.

-lastly for me would be Catwoman. Her mask wasn’t the best and I can see her returning with an upgraded look that would be better then this one. The rest of the outfit was fine but I’d probably prefer her maskless head for display. Her whip, tool kit, passport documents, money bag, and a cat or two would round her out nicely.

I didn’t feel we got enough Alfred in this to justify a figure of him yet. I would like to see him ditch the beard for the classic mustache so he looks a little bit more like Alfred. I didn’t hate him but didn’t get enough or really feel attached to him yet either. So maybe with some sequels he’ll have more time to shine?

Anyone I’m leaving out you think should get a figure? Would anybody be a pass for you (assuming they keep the Batman quality and not Peacemaker quality)? Would third party figures be the way to go on some figures?
Bruce Wayne, Riddler, Penguin, Gordon and Selina.

I really want Penguin though. Just to have that makeup and character design in sixth scale.

HT probably looked, saw it required a new body and didn't bother.
I want them all.

-drifter BW
-funeral BW
-riddler (w/extra smirking coffee shop Dano sculpt)
-Arkham attire riddler
-‘club worker’ selina
-dirty ‘post’ Gotham Square Garden collapse Batman

Basically whatever HT put out for this film, I’m all in.

But riddler and catwoman an absolute must.
Riddler and Selina will suffice.

Highly doubt HT would do Gordo and Oz.

And I couldn't help but feel like Gordon was just Bernard from Westworld.
I doubt they’ll milk it like they did tdk trilogy but I want catwoman for sure
As much as I love Batman I can’t see a long list needed for me from this film bc felt so dark like a 90s adult gritty crime thriller. The characters we’re practical humans except the main guy Bats and maybe Catwoman and Riddler. I’d take a Selina/Catwoman and maybe a couple motorcycles and of course the Jazz Batmobile from this.Gordon would be cool to go with him at the signal.
I’ll keep it simple.


Gordon would be cool, but I doubt he’ll get made. If anything he should have come with the Bat Signal.
I dunno...Kenzie really stood out 🤣🤣🤣

After seeing the film I would only get Penguin after Bats. Colin Farrell stole every scene he was in.
Well if I was running a business, what would make sense and sell well? All Rogues will be back at some point. What can I punt on?

Catwoman was action-y with her whip. I think she is the most worthy going forward.

Riddler wasn't action-y. But his goons were. There were a lot of goons with the exact same git up. While the suit doesn't look appealing to me, people can and will army build for a dio of that final fight.

Penguin is a big character. None of his suits were really appealing (although his last appearance had purple) and he wasn't action-y. He will be back in his own show, so I would punt and see what comes of that.

The big questions for me are the Batmobile or the Batcycle? Clearly, the Batmobile had a much bigger impact in the movie. The Batcycle was on display and featured in numerous promo pics, but was in the movie for 15 seconds. The Batcycle has more function and fashion with the Batman figure, while the Batmobile is huge and expensive. But HT might want to box out Joost, who is honestly ready to go with it. Good news is if you want it, you will get it one way or another. I personally want the Batcycle, compact and goes with Batman nicely.
If they make Selina they have to nail the body because she carries herself in a very distinctive way
This is what worries me. Hot Toys are so hit and miss with their female figures, but if they can keep up the recent quality trend we’ve seen from releases like Sylvie from Loki and Scarlett Witch, I think we’d be in business.
Only Catwoman for me, but I would love to have her in some of her alternate club outfits as well.

Penguin and Riddler were great in the movie, but I don't see the character designs making for interesting enough figures, and I'll be really surprised if HT bothers with them.
I can see RIddler and Catwoman -- in that order of likelihood, based on how well-received the film is. I don't see Penguin.
Only Catwoman for me, but I would love to have her in some of her alternate club outfits as well.

Penguin and Riddler ... I'll be really surprised if HT bothers with them.


Multiple sexy girl dolls on your shelf... but no villains?

HT has to make Riddler. It's the easiest $285 they'll ever make in that simple outfit and gimp mask.
I'd want Oz, Riddler, and Catwoman.

Would really appreciate Gordon too but doubt that'll ever happen.