Super Freak
The only thing missing is the shot gun from the pawn shop. I wonder if there will be anyway to get the special edition in the US?
Redo the name plate to "Eric Draven" as "The Crow" is not the name of the character.
Tell me about it.Man, tough crowd.
The figure itself looks pretty cool if I only liked the movie more. Maybe it's because I only saw it fairly recently but I didn't really get the hype for it. It seemed like a lot of style and not a lot of substance to me.
wow....never thought they would make him but glad to see him finally made.....I haven't seen the Crow in years but did he not pickup any weapons and use them???
It says you can only Pre-Order at the Hong Kong event so will this be able to order through U.S retailers like Sideshow or BBTS soon?
Come on...........