Unfortunately i feel the same, just love this hobby too much to quit.
I love 1/6 collecting too, and don't want to quit either.
When I'm receiving figures that don't move me at all, I know it's time to focus on subjects that do. I've had a lot more fun receiving WWII figures than I've had recently from Star Wars where it's more a case of ticking another one off the list.
Star Wars needs to take a break like it did from the 1980s, because at the moment it's over saturated with never ending content designed to generate new collectables.
I went off Marvel movies and collecting Marvel 1/6 a while back for the same reason, and I'm losing interest in DC as well now. They're no longer feeling special. I'd rather focus on historical subject matter (WWII, 'Wild West', C15th), or smaller, less catered for franchises (
Stranger Things,
The Last of Us).
Yet it's still hard getting out of Star Wars because it's been with me for so long. The OT is still classic, and I have fond memories of the early EU. Every new series or film set in the right era with familiar looking characters is always going to tempt me - as with the Snowtrooper inspired breastplate on the Mudtrooper and Transport Trooper.
The reality of receiving the figures doesn't match the old nostalgia though, not even when I got Hot Toys' Snowspeeder Luke. I never expected I'd ever reach that state of mind with Star Wars. I assumed it would be with me forever.