I dunno if we expect too much. We hope for too much is maybe the more correct word? HT rarely actually delivers what many people would call sculpting perfection. Better than most most of the time but hardly ever perfect.
Was it fair of us to expect HT to provide a clean vest and clean jacket, a bandaged arm and hand? Well, every other T-800 they've put out has pretty much covered all possibilities with HT showing a good memory and observation for movie scenes and what people are likely to want to recreate with their figures - this is the first T-800 release that skips over a segment of the film - eye surgery up to and including ''I'll be back'' and actually prevents us from creating those scenes. Even the compromise of reversing the vest is now not possible unless that blood all over the back can be 'washed out' So I'd say it was fair to 'expect' in this regard because of their own previous standards, maybe ill-advised to hope though....because, well, they let us down there.