Super Freak
I mostly just lurk here to see whats new, etc. I just got this sucker a few days ago and can't believe how awesome this thing is. I took some pics and figured I would share. I haven't read thru the entire thread yet, are there any cool modifications that can be done? I did cut the jacket collar flaps loose, which I really didn't understand why they had them like that. I did a little photoshopping, with putting the red eye in some pics etc.
Great pics and amazing first post!
In regards to your query about the mods, some of the popular ones are stuffing the neck to make it wider and less noticeably thin when posing the head straight-on. The jacket thread snipping mod also helps the neck's appearance. One other mod that some have done is stuffing the hips to make them less curvy and more accurate to Arnold's body.