The Spirit of Darkness
I literally gag when he says "pièce de résistance", something about the way he says it actually physically pains me - I don't get that reaction from literally anything else. So I also mute his videos.
I like the clarity of his videos in providing a closer look at things and showcasing all the accessories etc in pretty decent lighting.
It is extraordinarily rare for his opinion to be actually objective - but I can't blame him, its clearly how he makes his living by selling the product and that ought to be clear to most viewers by now.
I think his videos are useful for helping you inform your own opinion on a figure by having a pretty decent look at it earlier than most other channels - nothing more.
I like the clarity of his videos in providing a closer look at things and showcasing all the accessories etc in pretty decent lighting.
It is extraordinarily rare for his opinion to be actually objective - but I can't blame him, its clearly how he makes his living by selling the product and that ought to be clear to most viewers by now.
I think his videos are useful for helping you inform your own opinion on a figure by having a pretty decent look at it earlier than most other channels - nothing more.