When I first heard (and saw pics) about Black Widow having synthetic fiber rooted hair, I was worried.
However, when I took her out of the box I was really pleasantly surprised. It looks great, and the material doesn't easily lose its composure.
I think THOR could greatly benefit from this. Most of us will have him displayed with helmet on anyway, and let's face it- that sculpted hair looks pretty bad, almost as bad as the sculpted Whiplash hair. (almost, not quite.)
Rooted hair on THOR would also insure that the helmet fits just fine.
My personal hopes for the Avengers movie(s):
I don't know if they will make more than one Avengers, seems likely they will. That said, I will not be satisfied if VISION and The SCARLET WITCH are left out.
The story arc of the android Vision first being constructed to oppose the Avengers, then later joining them is a good one, and CGI would lend itself nicely to it.
<a target='_blank' title='ImageShack - Image And Video Hosting' href='https://img6.imageshack.us/i/avengersvision.jpg/'><img src='https://img6.imageshack.us/img6/4897/avengersvision.jpg' border='0'/></a>