Super Freak
If the door all close nice and snug it's good. But I hope it has lights.
Not only did the blueprints bother me, but the idea that Batman could punch through the floor of the car was right up there with it. Is it made of cardboard? So much for the idea of armor under the car. Later when he tears his mask like rubber all of Batman's tech felt so cheap. Bruce isn't a crimefighter, he's a cosplayer!
Returns never felt full baked to me. It seemed more like a sketchbook of cool Furst and Burton designs than a cohesive story (and on THAT level it works). It has some great looking stuff. But it never worked as a sequel story for me.
I am fond of Keaton and Pfeiffer's performances. She clearly enjoyed playing her role and steals every scene she's in, and she was so easy on the eyes....
Batman has no super strength to be able to do that.
Yeah I do agree on the car floor too..... what the hell were they thinking...... Batman has no super strength to be able to do that.
And people wonder why Nolan Bats gets so much love![]()
89 is still a masterpiece![]()
And people wonder why Nolan Bats gets so much love![]()
Of what? Costume and set design? Marketing?![]()
Of what? Costume and set design? Marketing?![]()
Yeah, not hating on 89 (or even Returns for that matter), just mentioning a couple of silly points in that sequence...the Nolan films have their own moments too.
And of course, best Batmobile ever made![]()
Sigh...how long until this becomes a full-on Burton/Keaton fanboy vs Nolan/Bale on debate??
Honestly, there's things from both series I like. To get a bit back on topic, there is no denying the iconic, sleek, style and "Batman" look and gadgetry in the design of the Burtonverse Batmobile.
....and there's no denying the sheer brutality of the Nolanverse Batmobile.
But seriously, I love both. We don't have to pick one!![]()
And Rachel's fall...if Batman cradled her the whole way down, and his cape slowed the fall and his armor absorbed the impact...as long as she didnt get into contact with any glass or metal on the way down, there is nothing that could have scratched or injured her (provided Batman didnt grab her with his gaunlet talons facing her).
Batman: Oww, that hurt! I'm wearing 80 pounds of body armor and padding and that still really sucked! Good thing I had a helmet and neck protection too! Gonna be sore tomorrow! I wish I had thought of my grappling hook during that fall. What was I thinking? I use that thing all the time but it just slipped my mind today. Silly me! Duh, right? That would have really helped! We could have slowly lowered, maybe even stopped altogether. Look, I even had it loaded! At least we landed on a car instead of a sidewalk. Whew! Still gonna need a sec to catch my breath. That sucked. I don't ever want to do that again! How you doin' Rachel? You're kinda quiet over there..... Ewww. Well, nothing a couple dozen good surgeons can't fix! You're gonna make a good wife for Harvey. A tip for the wedding: Wear a vail.
Not so fast there
89 is still a masterpiece![]()
Both are bad ass., you know, like me and void![]()
I agree, both are great.
89 Batmobile > Tumbler