Hot Toys Tim Burton Batmobile

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Ferrari's don't come with glue slaggered all over the inside of the glass or faulty lighting,

You've obviously never been in a Ferrari (or watched Top Gear).
Italians design their cars from the outside in! :wink1:

Things have become so much tighter.

That's what she said. :hi5:

If Hot Toys is paying attention to these price discussions

They aren't. They're moving on to the next project, the next license.

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They aren't. They're moving on to the next project, the next license.


Honestly, I hope you're right. I hope the $950.00 number is just a wild rumour that someone came up with that never was on HT's mind. And I hope they never see these discussions (until after they release the price, and it is several hundred dollars lower, and they are unwilling to jack it up):yess:
Ferrari's don't come with glue slaggered all over the inside of the glass or faulty lighting, certainly not scuff marks and everything certainly is 99.9% perfection.


I remember my tumbler came, and the lights didn't work, had to fix them, the center console glue let go inside the cockpit and the roof had two dime/nickle sized rubbed out spots on each side where the packaging removed the paint.. at $600 bucks I was less than thrilled with my tumbler....:( Fortunately after keeping it for 6 months it jumped in value and due to the imperfections I was happy to sell it to someone who didn't not care, but wanted a tumbler even with the stated issues. I'd like to keep this Bat-mobile in hopes that it's not plagued with production issues when it arrives.
You know what I love the most... a Sideshow rep comes on here gives the information about the Batman figure for August but people wont take their word, yet they'll believe some unknown person for the price of this car.

It's sad too many will believe a complete stranger over a big shop and make it like it's written in stone. Yet some wonder why the opportunists take them for a ride here at times. What a place.

:lecture:lecture:lecture :exactly::goodpost:

Yeah and we're still in a worldwide recession. People aren't spending the same. Nowhere what they were in 2008/09. Things have become so much tighter.

I dunno. These same people _____ about paying $950 but are paying $2k for the "perfect" 1/6 Joker. :lol
I remember my tumbler came, and the lights didn't work, had to fix them, the center console glue let go inside the cockpit and the roof had two dime/nickle sized rubbed out spots on each side where the packaging removed the paint.. at $600 bucks I was less than thrilled with my tumbler.

Yeah, I recall how it was plagued with bugs and QC issues.
It was a milestone project, though. Very ambitious and they claimed to have lost money on it.

Hopefully, they've mastered the learning curve for the Burton version.

Either way, both Batmobiles are too big and too expensive for my blood . . .

Kaneda's bike will remain my only 1/6 scale vehicle.

The SDCC pics of this piece are sweet, though. It looks like the proverbial million bucks.

(Difabio you are fabulous.)

$350 for the gantry is crazy. Absolutely crazy. I can't believe people were going out of their minds over the price of The Enterbay GOD set, which included a figure, 2 headsculpts, a large wooden diorama, working metal studio lights, wooden chair and a load of extras. For 250-300$?

What are you getting in the gantry for $350?

I'm tellin ya, someone in HT has decided its time to reap whatever rewards they can by screwing their fanbase. Me included.

Finally. Someone that understands. That GoD set was never unreasonably priced and it is almost as though Hot Toys is going out of their way to prove that now.
I agree that Enterbay's poor QC makes people hesitate on taking a leap of faith. Even if the overall "value" for the accesories is there.
Goods made in China are going to go up in price because the US Dollar is weak. As the value of the dollar shrinks the price of imports goes up.

Would the Keatonmobile have cost 700-800 a few years ago? Debatable. Will it now? Far more likely.
Dollar is weak? China artificially keeps the value of their currency low so the dollar is actually much stronger than it should be vis-a-vis them (which encourages import of Chinese goods). We'd be complaining a lot more if China engaged in fairer trade practices.
The wings would have to be detacheable for packaging it up and it would be a new size precedent for HT but if anyone was going to have the balls to do it, it'd be HT. Thats why I backtracked after I said I was sure it'd never be done.

Yes, I thought about it more too. I figure if the cockpit is one piece, the fins separate, and they make the wings in approximately 1 square foot sections, held together by metal rods, and mated together at intersections where those lines on the wings are, they could make a 4 or 5 foot wingspan Batwing. Only the people with a lot of space could leave it assembled, though.
It seems to me that since the 3 3/4 inch GI JOE figures were $3 apiece, and the H.I.S.S. and Vamp were $9, with a figure, that this Batmobile SHOULD be about $450, the cost of two Iron Man figures. Iron Man has a hot of parts, engineering, articulation, and quality paint, with lights, and the Batmobile has very little articulation, very simple paint scheme other than the dashboard, and has very few parts, with a very simply smooth design, so I think that $450 is reasonable for this. Of course, they probably won't be reasonable, and instead people will see $600 as fair.

As others have said, the Tumbler is a lot more complex, with a lot more parts that needed to be assembled.
I think that anyone who actually believes this will retail for over $900 must not be in their right mind, but if it really is that price, the best thing to do would be not to buy this no matter what. In a long term situation, supporting something that outrageously priced would only further drive Hot Toys to keep playing with the market.

My question is why these vehicles are even $400 or more in the first place. How is it that they can be so much more expensive than a 12 inch figure, of which must have an artist sculpted face, licensing rights to the actor or actress, real fabrics for fitted outfits, etc... Yeah the car is much bigger, but it's a hunk of plastic. Are there even diecast/metal parts on it? IMO it seems like you're getting ripped off hardcore no matter how much it is, assuming it is $400 or more. Even in the crazy Japanese market, something like that would probably be $400 at the most I would imagine. Maybe more maybe less, but it would certainly have some diecast at least.

And people who are adding Iron Monger to the list of Hot Toys crazy prices, don't even think about it. At $450, he's steep, but I'm not so sure that'll be his real price. Even if it is, he's twice the price of an Iron Man, but he's also 20 inches tall, about four times wider than Mark IV, comes with at least half a newly made figure, and has a cast iron-like finish. Plus, he's an actual posable figure. Not a giant piece of plastic on wheels.
Dollar is weak? China artificially keeps the value of their currency low so the dollar is actually much stronger than it should be vis-a-vis them (which encourages import of Chinese goods). We'd be complaining a lot more if China engaged in fairer trade practices.

China holds most favored nation trading status and China has a trade deficit with the US. The trade deficit put the US in a position to get China to buy treasury bonds (US debt). Should the US begin defaulting on debts the value of US bonds will plummet and China will be left holding a bunch of worthless paper. Watch what happens to the cost of merchandise from China if that happens.
If it is more than $800. regrettably I'm going to have to rethink it and not pursue it. Even though it is a grail of mine, I have limits.

Aren't you sorta getting fatigued with collecting? I thought I read a post of yours about that recently. I bring that up because perhaps, even if its only a begrudging acceptance and willingness to pay such a high price - chances are it could be this time and then never again for you. And for a personal grail item I think it would be worth it in that scenario. Thats kinda my thinking on it - I think I am unlikely to ever pay this much money for any single toy ever maybe just this once.
Aren't you sorta getting fatigued with collecting? I thought I read a post of yours about that recently. I bring that up because perhaps, even if its only a begrudging acceptance and willingness to pay such a high price - chances are it could be this time and then never again for you. And for a personal grail item I think it would be worth it in that scenario. Thats kinda my thinking on it - I think I am unlikely to ever pay this much money for any single toy ever maybe just this once.

That's the point. HT is fleecing people because it's the Batmobile and a lot of people feel they absolutely MUST have it, even though the price they charge has no relation to a proper proportion of how much it costs to make versus the price they charge for it compared to other things, even the ones THEY have made.
As an aside, how would you feel about buying a Supermobile?
Aren't you sorta getting fatigued with collecting? I thought I read a post of yours about that recently.

Yep, I've been tired of it for months now and haven't bought collectibles for awhile. I pretty much "quit" and I've definitely given up on low end retail figures. Been clean for months and it actually feels great.

BUT, that means I've also been saving alot of money and earning a bunch without saving too. What's the point of extra dough if you're not going to spend it? This Hot Toys '89 Batman thing hit, and boy did it hit hard. I'd be crazy not to jump on it now and regret it later.

Hot Toys Batman and Hot Toys Terminator being the only exception though.

I bring that up because perhaps, even if its only a begrudging acceptance and willingness to pay such a high price - chances are it could be this time and then never again for you. And for a personal grail item I think it would be worth it in that scenario. Thats kinda my thinking on it - I think I am unlikely to ever pay this much money for any single toy ever maybe just this once.

But then I'd be feeding into some foul play and only contributing to Hot Toys' increasing prices wouldn't I?

I've got $950 but would I feel good about spending that much? Probably not. I'm in awe over this Batmobile, I honestly can't believe that a dream of it in 1/6 has been realized but I'd much prefer Batman and The Joker if it is $950 dollars.

The decision not to would be based solely on principle. If I gave in at that price, I'd feel like a hypocrite. Then again, as I stated before, regret might come into play. Especially if it's a few years later down the road and this thing is a few thousand dollars . . . which could very well happen considering it's THE Batmobile.

Plus, lets be honest. I don't have room for this thing really and who's to say it won't sit in a box for the rest of my collectible life? No matter how great it is, there's a chance that I'll "inspect it", be amazed and "put it away" forever, only occasionally looking at it from time to time. Is it really worth being nothing more than an "I have it" archival item?

I don't know. There's about a 50/50 chance that I'd give in. There's only a few more collectibles that these toy companies could make that I'd be interested in anymore. So, maybe.

We'll see what happens with specs/pics along with the actual price and preorders.
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