Aren't you sorta getting fatigued with collecting? I thought I read a post of yours about that recently.
Yep, I've been tired of it for months now and haven't bought collectibles for awhile. I pretty much "quit" and I've definitely given up on low end retail figures. Been clean for months and it actually feels great.
BUT, that means I've also been saving alot of money and earning a bunch without saving too. What's the point of extra dough if you're not going to spend it? This Hot Toys '89 Batman thing hit, and boy did it hit hard. I'd be crazy not to jump on it now and regret it later.
Hot Toys Batman and Hot Toys Terminator being the only exception though.
I bring that up because perhaps, even if its only a begrudging acceptance and willingness to pay such a high price - chances are it could be this time and then never again for you. And for a personal grail item I think it would be worth it in that scenario. Thats kinda my thinking on it - I think I am unlikely to ever pay this much money for any single toy ever maybe just this once.
But then I'd be feeding into some foul play and only contributing to Hot Toys' increasing prices wouldn't I?
I've got $950 but would I feel good about spending that much? Probably not. I'm in awe over this Batmobile, I honestly can't believe that a dream of it in 1/6 has been realized but I'd much prefer Batman and The Joker if it is $950 dollars.
The decision not to would be based solely on principle. If I gave in at that price, I'd feel like a hypocrite. Then again, as I stated before, regret might come into play. Especially if it's a few years later down the road and this thing is a few thousand dollars . . . which could very well happen considering it's THE Batmobile.
Plus, lets be honest. I don't have room for this thing really and who's to say it won't sit in a box for the rest of my collectible life? No matter how great it is, there's a chance that I'll "inspect it", be amazed and "put it away" forever, only occasionally looking at it from time to time. Is it really worth being nothing more than an "I have it" archival item?
I don't know. There's about a 50/50 chance that I'd give in. There's only a few more collectibles that these toy companies could make that I'd be interested in anymore. So, maybe.
We'll see what happens with specs/pics along with the actual price and preorders.