Hot Toys Tim Burton Batmobile

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I have the Toynami Batwing and I am very pleased with it. I also have the Toynami Batmobile on order but if HT is going to give us this iconic vehicle to go with their Keaton '89 Batman, I may cancel my order. A 1/6 HT Batmobile would be beyond belief and would probably be a lot less fragile than the HT Tumbler.
I can't believe there's an actual glimmer of hope that we might see Blade Runner figures! How about the possibility of a 1/6th Spinner? :thud:

Why hasn't someone started a speculation thread! :mad:
I just hope this doesn't have the quality control problems that the Tumbler seemed to have. Still not sure how I'll display this though. I thought about having Batman stand beside it, but not having him in the car would be a crime. But then, if I have him in the car and he has some rubber like previous Batman figures I have to worry about damage. BUY MULTIPLES? Regular displayed Batman, "Action posed" Batman, MIB Batman, Batman to sit in Batmobile Batman? :panic:
I bought two OC Batmans for that purpose. One to put in the Batmobile and one to keep outside of it. But in the end I put neither inside it because I didn't want to strain the rubber on either one. So no I would say don't bother buying multiples for that purpose. One, standing outside the Batmobile, is excellent. The batmobile by itself is a stunning display piece even without Batman himself sitting inside. Just standing outside is superb.
It'll be interesting to see how HT approximates the on-screen look finish of it as it appeared in 1989...low gloss, not quite flat black, and definitely not as polished looking as the 1992 screen cars looked.
If there's one thing I think that you can count on HT doing right, it's paint.
I'll file this under TGTBT until pics come out. If they can pull this off, it will be legendary and I will be homeless living in a shack made of 1/6 Hot Toys and Sideshow with the Batmobile on top of it.
I'll file this under TGTBT until pics come out. If they can pull this off, it will be legendary and I will be homeless living in a shack made of 1/6 Hot Toys and Sideshow with the Batmobile on top of it.

I know how ya feel! Ill be living in a 1/6 Shack LOL

This is amazing if it works out. I guess they have Big Plans for the Original Batman Line. Great Q & A.
I'd probably have to sell of a good portion of my collection for this but it would be worth it.
Do it up.

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Batmobile 1989‬‏[/ame]

I don't even want to think about price tonight.
maby its a little bit selfish but I hope HT doesn't create a Batmobile or Batwing. :p

because HT will make a very great looking Batmobile and Batwing for sure and for 1/4 of the price of the Toynami versions.

That would make me think about if I have made the right choice of buying the Toynaimi versions.

If I hadn't bought the Toynami versions. then the news of that HT is making a Tim Burton Batmobile and Batwing would be one of the best things to hear.

Yep completely selfish. I hope they do make it just so I can laugh at you:wave
ok here's HTC's translation:

"1/6 version of a batmobile from tim burton? Of course we'll take care of it"

here's the real translation:

"a burton batman? in 1/6 no less? naturally we're looking into it, there is a possibility..."

POSSIBILITY!!! there's no of course we're taking care of it in there. i'd like to think it'll happen but it's not a certainty as per the original translation.

the blade runner translation gives more hope than there actually is too. it doesn't mention multiple licenses granted for vehicles nor does it say something might be possible later if all goes well. it says "at long last, in an exceptional case for a special project, permission was given to make a vehicle. let's hope in the future figures can be made too." sounds like they're as desperate and hopeful as we are. "should be possible" is way too optimistic a translation of that. which is ____... coz i'd love to see HT do blade runner some justice.
ok here's HTC's translation:

"1/6 version of a batmobile from tim burton? Of course we'll take care of it"

here's the real translation:

"a burton batman? in 1/6 no less? naturally we're looking into it, there is a possibility..."

POSSIBILITY!!! there's no of course we're taking care of it in there. i'd like to think it'll happen but it's not a certainty as per the original translation.

the blade runner translation gives more hope than there actually is too. it doesn't mention multiple licenses granted for vehicles nor does it say something might be possible later if all goes well. it says "at long last, in an exceptional case for a special project, permission was given to make a vehicle. let's hope in the future figures can be made too." sounds like they're as desperate and hopeful as we are. "should be possible" is way too optimistic a translation of that. which is ____... coz i'd love to see HT do blade runner some justice.

Thanks for pissing in our Cheerios. I think we can all see that it doesn't say anything about Blade Runner vehicles. :pfft:
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