I cannot express my frustration enough in words with this stupid flying grabber stand.
I really thought he was quite a bit larger than Mando, from that last pic it doesn't seem a whole lot bigger and Mando is slouching a bit.
Send me those stands IMMEDIATELY!
Cocoboloboy. Not the first member to tell you your bases look gorgeous but, did you ever consider making larger (ie Detolf size) versions? I know i'm not one to display my figures on bases but i could be tempted by larger themed bases to cover my glass shelves and give more realism to my displays.
Yeah, he?s bigger than Mando but not a giant by any means. Some descriptions can kinda make it out to be a David and Goliath situation.
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I have this figure paid for in the TOY ORIGIN store in Canada, I am running out of 6 months PayPal coverage, which should make me wait or get my money back (the store has bad reviews) ........ if anyone has bought something in that store, I guess the figure is close to reaching Canada. Greetings to all.
Thank you! Yes, I started to offer Detolf dio shelves but they are cost prohibitive for the most part. I?ll make them if requested though. Did one for guy a few months back in fact.
Toy Sapiens in Tokyo is relocating and had a 50% off sale on all in stock figures. This guy was going for $190. Not bad. Unfortunately, as you can guess, their website got overwhelmed and my cart never processed.
This is the way
Toy Sapiens in Tokyo is relocating and had a 50% off sale on all in stock figures. This guy was going for $190. Not bad. Unfortunately, as you can guess, their website got overwhelmed and my cart never processed.
This is the way
This is the way...
Great day so I took Paz out the work site to get some shots in natural light....he looks really cool outside!
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One impressive figure!