I still enjoy Justin's reviews but he's definitely developed a certain salesmany affect over the years. I just watched one of his old reviews for ROTJ Boba and was amazed at how utterly normal and low-key he sounded in it. Lol
Yep, Jedha and MOHC are my go-to reviewers. Both are able to photograph and pose the figures exceptionally well and really show off the features I like to see.
Every YouTube offers something different. I like to watch Justin because he ?buys? everything under the sun and reviews it. Where jedha seems to just focus on Star Wars and marvel.
I?ll check out the other guy mentioned here. Only YouTuber I strayed away from is dean knight.
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I still enjoy Justin's reviews but he's definitely developed a certain salesmany affect over the years. I just watched one of his old reviews for ROTJ Boba and was amazed at how utterly normal and low-key he sounded in it. Lol
I found that paying off a statue/figure early from Sideshow actually backfires. Either pay for it all upfront or allow the automated system to take your last payment.
My theory is making a manual payment overrides the date of your original pre-order and puts you to the back of the queue.
Two statues I paid off early I ended up receiving a later batch. Everything I left automated I've got first batch.
Still nowhere near as annoying as the "It's your boyyyyy..." guy.
Who is that?
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I still enjoy Justin's reviews but he's definitely developed a certain salesmany affect over the years. I just watched one of his old reviews for ROTJ Boba and was amazed at how utterly normal and low-key he sounded in it. Lol
I'll still take it any day over Sean Long's painfully unfunny and awkward skits he does at the beginning of his reviews, lol.
"Hey there big kids!". No thank you!![]()
.... Oh god. That guy. Is he still making videos? I remember him wondering why he wasn't getting views and I was like (to myself) "Buddy, your voice sounds terrible and you need to drink a glass of water before you start filming. Nobody wants to hear you swallow 10 times a sentence."
EZCompany Collectibles
I'll still take it any day over Sean Long's painfully unfunny and awkward skits he does at the beginning of his reviews, lol.
"Hey there big kids!". No thank you!![]()
I think he was one of the first guys when it came to Hot Toy Youtube reviews. Somehow he was able to get all of them quickly after release. Regardless of the fact that he was annoying as hell, he was one of the most reliable ways to get a close look at a figure early on.It's insane how popular that guy once was, he used to get millions of views on some of his videos. How did he do that? I just looked and apparently he still does YouTube but his view counts are significantly lower.
Mine still says it?s not expected to ship until April. I preordered on day 1.
I haz sad. [emoji22]
Mine still says it?s not expected to ship until April. I preordered on day 1.
I haz sad. [emoji22]
.... I'll pass on that.
ANYWAY. Uh... what was everybody's favourite part of the show? Favourite scene or character or music, etc.![]()