Hot Toys - TMS051/2 - Mandalorian and Grogu (Season 2)

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Pre-ordered the regular edition on BBTS. None of the accessories in the deluxe edition interest me at all and I'd never use them. I thought for sure they'd pack the spear and/or unmasked headsculpt with the deluxe version, and I'm really glad they didn't.
Thanks for the correction. I was planning to make one for my current Beskar Mando, but not sure if Hot Toys got the strap pattern right.

Here's another shot, from the previous episode:

I hope this means they'll update their 1/4 coating.

Yeah I'm thinking they may, but ah well we'll see how it turns out.

Why would anyone want die-cast for this? Can we have real beskar instead? Die-cast is really redundant and just increase the price of the figure.

I hate the MK85 for this reason. It's difficult to handle and the extra care to pose it makes it hard to enjoy it as a figure

Where can I buy real beskar?? :lol

Well for me I like the die-cast IM figures, and I can see why some would want die-cast armor in the Mando figs, perhaps a lightweight yet sturdy metal for them so as not to drag the suit down (?) But then again that would probably include a price hike.

Hot Toys sucks. They totally should have included the ship with the ability to carbon freeze my other figures. Ridiculous.

A 1/6 Razor Crest would be insane!!! :panic:
Why would you feel that way?

I'm getting this to display 3 versions of Mando, it's very obvious that all 3 are different periods in the show.
I have fortunately not dipped my toe in this yet, so this new one will be my first Mandalorian figure…but I think a lot of collectors like the show but may not necessarily love it enough it to display 3 nearly identical versions of the same character.
I have a lot of shelf space, but not enough for that.
Most may just want the best version and this one comes with enough options that it basically covers it.
I understand the sour grapes, if I had been tricked into buying the others I would feel that way too, but how many people would really go back and buy the other two if this one had released first?
If you want a version of the character without Grogu you don’t have to pay another $300 for it, just leave Grogu in the box and display the one you have.
"Glad I waited" people are nuts.

Why go for this one? Might as well wait for S3. Actually wait, S4.... ***** it wait until the show is over for the ULTIMATE mando.

I mean we have to wait 2 years for this version anyways, might as well have a Mando on the shelf for now.
Well, I have the v1 Durasteel Mando. As I'm sure other do. And that is still my favorite look, even over the Beskar.

So, I don't feel the rush to need to have a 2nd Mando. I would like to have a full Beskar Mando, and having the option with headsculpt, spear, Darksaber, chrome armor. All those make me happier than the 1st deluxe. Plus I don't really care if I have a Grogu or not, but it seems they all will come with one anyway.
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Wait for season 4 where he'll wear full beskar armor, from tip to toe.
Wait for season 4 where he'll wear full beskar armor, from tip to toe.
I'm not PO'ing, so I will wait till it's out. Just like I did with the s2 Deluxe. And by then s3 maybe be already on D+ at the rate they seem to have delays..

I probably would have bought the s2 if it wasn't for all the delays. And then HT teasing with sneak peek's in photo's, so we new another version was coming.

As far as a s3 or beyond "Full Beskar", the only thing not Beskar is the one thigh plate. I could always buy that parted out as long as the "next" version is the same chrome plating. And he may or may not have the Beskar spear or Darksaber going forward.
I have fortunately not dipped my toe in this yet, so this new one will be my first Mandalorian figure…but I think a lot of collectors like the show but may not necessarily love it enough it to display 3 nearly identical versions of the same character.
I have a lot of shelf space, but not enough for that.

Most may just want the best version and this one comes with enough options that it basically covers it.
I understand the sour grapes, if I had been tricked into buying the others I would feel that way too, but how many people would really go back and buy the other two if this one had released first?
If you want a version of the character without Grogu you don’t have to pay another $300 for it, just leave Grogu in the box and display the one you have.
Here's the thing though, nobody is forcing you to buy them all.
Pre-ordered the regular edition on BBTS. None of the accessories in the deluxe edition interest me at all and I'd never use them. I thought for sure they'd pack the spear and/or unmasked headsculpt with the deluxe version, and I'm really glad they didn't.
LOL u freaked me out a second - no pun intended. Thought u were saying the head sculpt wouldn't be in the dx. :eek:

Luved that trudging through the desert scene - dunno, just seemed so badass Western totally Mando - happy to toss more money for those accessories. It'd take hours and $$$$ to do a custom.

I've got no problem owning multiple Mandos. Thinking I'll end up with 5 total - 2 original, 1 beskar, 1 headsculpt/chromed, 1 finale version. For me am thinking one head sculpt is enough, unless HT can really improve the head sculpt version to version.

Ya never know. Look what happened to Paul Rudd and Tony Stark debacle.:eek:

Personally I don't feel tricked or anything - HT did the same thing with Winter Soldier and probably IM, more or less - I mean each version is usually better? in some way. But with Mando 1, he's got that gritty look; Mando V2 is a completely packed version, and now he's all nice and shiny. Works for me. Hafta see where the show goes before I buy another - tho am sure the finale armor will be amazing. I need a character like Cara or the Marshall more than anything now, no matter who makes them.
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With this figure now I have a reason to go all in and buy Asoka and Gideon and Bo Katan. Already have Boba on preorder at sideshow. Might even need a few of those dark troopers and I hope we get Luke and Cara also.
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And this is the reason why I waited!

Can't believe they've not even done the 1/4 in chrome.

By the time the new head-to-toe chrome armour comes out in 4 years I'll have saved up enough for it. This is the one to get. sucks for anyone who bought these others and feel cheaped out on. Improvements like this always come around.
Cancelled my PO for V1 beskar and ordered this one, although I am only getting the standard version.
I didn't like the flat grey look of the S1 beskar Mando, so I skipped it. Glad I did.
I know Alumaluster from Imperial Surface was used for the actual prop but can anyone recommend an alternative or something suitable for repainting the season 1 armour plates chrome?
I stick with sideshow because of the replacement/return ease, the reward points, and I love that they offer double boxing as well. The shipping actually seems to be cheaper (than usual SS) as well recently for some reason. Even with the double box option. I live in NJ so it’s coming across the country and the shipping was $20+ typically. The new Kylo and Rey double boxed were $16. I’ve ordered from BBTS before, but I’ve seen no benefit for me personally. Comes down to preferences I guess.
I stick with sideshow because of the replacement/return ease, the reward points, and I love that they offer double boxing as well. The shipping actually seems to be cheaper (than usual SS) as well recently for some reason. Even with the double box option. I live in NJ so it’s coming across the country and the shipping was $20+ typically. The new Kylo and Rey double boxed were $16. I’ve ordered from BBTS before, but I’ve seen no benefit for me personally. Comes down to preferences I guess.
Actually you paid just over $17, as Sideshow applies sales tax to the shipping in addition to the cost of the figure. They don't call it out separately, but if you do the math it checks out.