Super Freak
You can probably sell a new "old stock" Hot Toys body for over $100.
Just got two TTM 20's. I'm going to use one for a custom Bane and the other for a Terminator T-800 (if I'm not mistaken, the TTM 20 is the base body for the HT Terminator T-800 battle-damaged police shootout figure).
This bomb is armed, this bomb is mobile, and one of YOU holds the trigger.
Yeah, that's the Arnie body. I don't know if you are intentionally going bigger for Bane(Or not a Nolan Bane perhaps), but the Noland predators type body is the one that HT used, and you can buy copies now relatively cheaply. Just in case you didn't know.
Have heard everywhere it's the A.S. body type lol (I'm also looking at the Phicen M34) Yep, going for a TDKR Bane. I don't mind going bigger for Bane as he is a character I'd imagine to be bigger, bulkier. I also don't mind my custom figure to be movie accurate down to a tee, and that's what great about customizing, personal preference. Was also looking at that body, but seeing it in hand I wanted something a bit larger.
We both know that i have to kill you now. You'll just have to imagine the fire...
Yeah. Makes a lot of sense. Especially if you intend to make him without his vest. He is supposed to be massive after all.
*Catwoman bursts into the scene* BOOM!
Yep, wanted to display him without the coat, towering over Batman hehe
Nice signature, btw. Tells a lot about human nature.
It's a great scene, but i wonder who she got in the building without Bane hearing here, lol.
I didn't see the light until i was already a man, and by then it was nothing but blinding!
It's a quote from "Deep Impact".
Robert Duvall looks at the crew of the shuttle he's going to be flying with and mentions they are a good crew. And Kurtwood smith says the line. "Well, they're not scared of dying, they're just scared of lookin' bad on tv..."
Oh man, can quote Bane all day lol
The shadows betray you, because they belong to ME!
I just picked up the bomb and Selina from The Bat set. I was thinking i need a 1/12 scale Bane now, lol.
[First scene] The fire rises! (deshi deshi basara basara..)
Nice! Hmm, I'm not aware of any suitable 6'' Bane figures lol, hopefully the upcoming mafex figure will be good.
Also need some big pants for my incomplete Bane lol
I bet you will, with that big a body type.
I found a 6" Bane on Ebay. minus the jacket. But i can probably sculpt one on myself.
Settled with some terminator pants (khaki color). I'll probably put some loose kneepads on.
I doff my hat to you, sculpting is a tedious task. I suspect your own sculpted jacket will be stupendous.
Sculpting isn't too hard. I'll PM you some images of my previous attempts.
Make sure and post pics of the custom when you get working on it.
Got your message! Very nice!
Alas, the pieces I ordered for my custom are from out of the U.S. and have have to play the waiting game.. may take a few weeks, or perhaps a month to get them all lol
It won't take that long, lol.
You'll have them in no time.
It's a great figure.
That looks incredible.
I had to sell my Bane this week on EBay to pay bills, but yours look incredible.