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I like the sculpted hair much much more than recent rooted hair female figures...but thats just me...
I really don't understand why HT to some people have been ignoring Batman. There is about 7 Batman products coming from them in the next year...
I hope they don't make Leon 2.0 and move forward to RE6 Leon a better looking.
I guess your no fan of Catwoman, Amber and Blackwidow either since they all fall into that category..
None of them are women in designer dresses, though again, I have no interest in any of those figures (rooted hair in the case of the superheroes). I'm not knocking anyone who likes and wants this figure--I've got guys in suits on my display--but the fact is that she just isn't all that interesting looking.
None of them are women in designer dresses, though again, I have no interest in any of those figures (rooted hair in the case of the superheroes). I'm not knocking anyone who likes and wants this figure--I've got guys in suits on my display--but the fact is that she just isn't all that interesting looking.

Would you prefer if she had a cowl?
Thanks for this thoughtful and clever comment. And apologies for giving an opinion. Certainly a guy like Snake will only sing the praises of collectible releases (like 3A's Metal Gear stuff).

I praised it until I saw the final production model, if your going to bring up facts make sure you know them first.
This def makes me hopeful for a Leon update. The only figures I was able to snag were RE5 figs, so Ada and Leon would bridge the gap between the series nicely.

I think this figure looks like a screenshot made real. Very Excited.

But I hate wanting the next thing to go with it before this is even out.
OK, we can criticize final products but not prototypes. Got it. Thanks for the clarification.

Your deal is that she's a plain character... okay I don't know how to tell you this but she's always just wore a dress of some type so what exactly is she supposed to wear to make her worth a buy to you?

I don't care if people share criticism and not once in the thread have I attacked someone in doing so.

She's accessories heavy which is a plus considering HT is being cheap lately.

EDIT and also, REX's inaccuracies were not known until it finished production.
It is a boring looking character in general, was in that game, is as a toy. Some are. It is a factor that affects my personal interest in figures (not a deal breaker, but a factor). That's my opinion, I stated it, and was ready to move on until folks come in, get defensive, and try to act as if my opinion isn't legit. No reason to make mountains out of molehills, but the "don't like don't buy" argument is the definition of weak-sauce considering this is a forum for public discussion, not a fan club where naysayers get run out of town.

I don't know why criticism of a prototype vs. production piece is relevant to the conversation. If the prototype has issues to someone, then it has issues. Same with a production piece.
It is a boring looking character in general, was in that game, is as a toy. Some are. It is a factor that affects my personal interest in figures (not a deal breaker, but a factor). That's my opinion, I stated it, and was ready to move on until folks come in, get defensive, and try to act as if my opinion isn't legit. No reason to make mountains out of molehills, but the "don't like don't buy" argument is the definition of weak-sauce considering this is a forum for public discussion, not a fan club where naysayers get run out of town.

Honestly, I don't know why criticism of a prototype vs. production piece is relevant to the conversation. If the prototype has issues to someone, then it has issues. Same with a production piece.

Thanks for not acknowledging anything I said about REX. :clap
OK, if you wanna keep dragging this out--what is your logic then? Why is what you did OK, and what I did not OK? I don't follow. Are you saying that if the prototype was flawed, you would have kept your figurative mouth shut for some reason?
OK, if you wanna keep dragging this out--what is your logic then? Why is what you did OK, and what I did not OK? I don't follow. Are you saying that if the prototype was flawed, you would have kept your figurative mouth shut for some reason?

I don't really take any issue with this figure in particular and if it came out like the prototype I wouldn't mind too much.

And I took issue with REX when the paint scheme was released and I have since but as for the articulation I thought it was perfect until everything was disclosed by the company and I think it's not worth the cash.

Since you kept tabs on what I said I figured you would know that.