Can you guys go away? Between random arguments that are off topic and constant pleading for Batman I'm not sure people understand this thread is about Ada anymore.
Oh another no brainer buy
Its so annoying to read over the past few pages of people wanting batman. Like he is a neglected character. Batman Begins Batman, TDK Batman, Dx02 batman, Demon Batman, OC batman, DX Keaton Batman, DX 12 Batman, Returns Batman & 1:4 TDKR Batman arent enough representations of the same character apparently. And thats just 1 company!
Of course i wouldnt post that in the thread pertaining to said characters because im not an idiot who thinks his personal needs take priority over common sense. Knocking the release of a character who has never even had a 1:6 figure in any form, infact barely a figure in any form is stupid. I dont mind people who pop in, curious about what this figure is and dont like it but it really bugs me when the Batman and Avengers sheep chime in. Though i guess i shouldnt be too annoyed its their mindless loyalty and thick wallets to thoes franchises that keeps HT in business pumping out 3rd and 4th versions of figures they have already done with little to no improvement.
Anyyyyway. I think these Ada bodies are going to be like gold dust on ebay in the secondary market. A HT body with such a pleasing look. "Rubber issues" worry people at times but ive noticed myself while tyring to find cerain rubber heavy bodies that they are now very hard to find or are just too expensive due to demand. Im also curious how her glasses are going to fasten ti her face :-/
I ****ing love Batman, since I was the tender age of two. But seriously, some of these ****tards are pissing me off. Really? Arkham Batman has priority? Not enough Batman products? I want to personally punch these people square in the god damned face![]()
I ****ing love Batman, since I was the tender age of two. But seriously, some of these ****tards are pissing me off. Really? Arkham Batman has priority? Not enough Batman products? I want to personally punch these people square in the god damned face![]()
Wouldn't you rather have a Hot Toys Catherine?
Though I myself would prefer Katherine by far.
Correction it's made of high grade silicone (of different cosistency for the fleshy parts), not PVC... LukaZuo is in contact with the developer/manufacturer in Taiwan.
Waiiit a minute. Ive just noticed that this is a "HD" line. I reallllly hope that by making that distinction it means there is to be more than Ada of games gone by. And if they are jumping on the "HD" re-releases than Re4, Code Veronica, Umbrella Chronicles & Darkside chronicles are all possible candidates. Code Veronica Claire please!
I ****ing love Batman, since I was the tender age of two. But seriously, some of these ****tards are pissing me off. Really? Arkham Batman has priority? Not enough Batman products? I want to personally punch these people square in the god damned face![]()