whats with HT and the VGM series? they just ignore it and do MMS.
Pretty much dead after ada .
whats with HT and the VGM series? they just ignore it and do MMS.
Still so many they could do from Resident Evil, and even way more for Metal Gear Solid.
whats with HT and the VGM series? they just ignore it and do MMS.
Indeed. Imho, the RE license is an untapped gold mine for HT especially if they made characters and monsters from earlier games.
At this point who knows when we'll get anymore good RE figures from anywhere. HT will likely be focused on Superhero stuff for awhile and NECA decided not to renew their RE license sadly. I know PAK showed off protos of RE6 Leon and Helena but who knows how the final figures will turn out.
I see their predator figures, their terminator figures, their avatar, their Iron Man...And I just wish they would take the technical and sculpting prowess behind those figures, and apply it to some Resident Evil monsters![]()
I still spend countless hours every night preying to the toy gods that someday they will bless us with an HT 1/6 Nemesis and RE3 Jill.
HT is too busy with super hero movies to focus on videogame ones. Maybe Ada will be the last RE figure they make?!![]()
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I think hot toys should just change there name to High End Iron man products
HT is too busy with super hero movies to focus on videogame ones. Maybe Ada will be the last RE figure they make?!![]()
Sent from Umbrella Corporation HQ using Tapatalk
Especially after Hot Toys confessed they only cared about Resident Evil and Metal Gear Solid regarding their video game line a year or two ago. I'd be more than joyous considering those are both my top two favorite franchises, but where the **** are the figures for them?!
I'm at least hoping that we'll see more MGS and RE figures announced at one of the cons. Hot Toys has disappointed me immensely with their neglect of the VGM line. There's still no news on the Arkham City figures, either![]()
Id love a Rebecca and Billy. Id be tempted to approach psycho customs about a Rebecca outfit but i cant really find the basics like boots or a head i could use. So it never gets that far in the planning
Same here.
Try using the HT Abigail shoes. Of course they need to be painted.