Yep, rather they just got rid of light up features in general and knock the price down. Only figures I can see where it's useful is Iron Man.
For those thinking she'll get a new outfit for DS2, just remember she still rocked the CW outfit...much to my surprise. So it's entirely possible she might not even get a new outfit for DS2.
Yeah i don?t think she?ll have a new outfit for DS2.
I think its a safe bet the outfit will change, based on almost every other hero outfit across the movies.
But even if it doesn't, still a chance that the HT figure from DS2 will be improved, like the headband for instance or the hairstyle. Both Dr Strange and Star-Lord had improvements in their v2 and v3 respectively.
Yeah, Hot Toys light up features are the absolute worst designed for practical use. It's why I've never used them other than on Hulkbuster ONE time to test that they were all operational...
They're filming it right now. Pics of Renner and Steinfeld (and Pizza Dog) have been all over the place.Is the Hawkeye series still going to happen..I read it?s shelved temporarily
Agreed. I'm having a display case built right now that will have a single switch I'm going to use to hardwire some of them, but even then it's only going to be the big guns: IM, War Machine, Thanos, and Ultron. I wouldn't even bother for SW.I always wonder how people find the time and have the patience to mess with the light up features on these figures. I can't even be bothered to put the batteries in.
No-one really knows if she'll get an entire new look for DS2 or even just a couple of tweaks. Some suits carry between movies. Some get 5 seconds of screen time. It's a shame the New Avenger look didn't get at least a scene at the beginning of Civil War, like Iron Spider did with FFH, but I guess they had to go casual during that Civil War intro.
This suit in Wandavision just feels like an introduction.
So if that's true, then this costume is in the movie.
Given that this figure's scheduled release date is actually after Doctor Strange 2 releases in theaters, that Doctor Strange 2 is already filming, and that the big pay-off at the end of the show was her new look, I would expect she'll look the same in Doctor Strange 2 or the differences so subtle that a new figure will not be warranted. It'd be silly to have a whole show leading up to her own look only to ditch it in the first scene of Doctor Strange.
Nebula and Gamora did not get different figures for Guardians II, Infinity War and Endgame; I would not count on Scarlet Witch being any different.
True that they revisited different outfits in the film (both had different outfits in Guardians II that haven't been represented in toy form, too), but still Hot Toys just did the one for each. Now Scarlet Witch's new outfit likely won't be the only thing she appears in in Doctor Strange 2, but I would count on it being her default look for the film unless we're counting "Wanda in casual clothing on the front porch".If you mean outfits, that's not wholly true -- Nebula got to re-wear her original purple GOTG1 outfit and the red Ravenger outfit AND that new orange-brown outfit she wore when she returned with Tony to Earth in EG.
I don't know the validity of it, but the rumor mill churned out that the post credits scene with Wanda is in the mountains of Sokovia and that it's part of act I of Doctor Strange 2. So if that's true, then this costume is in the movie.
And don't forget the pics were leaked early, so they probably had no choice but to show this concept art version of the figure. They might have held off a bit longer otherwise so they could make some changes.
I would assume the reading one was some form of astral projection and the sitting one was actually her so she could study on autopilot. I can't recall, didn't Strange do that too?Which was the real Wanda..the one sitting outside the cabin![]()