Super Freak
Their "dreads" were mentioned in The Predator 2018 when they noted the hunter dogs had it as well, not sure if they said if it had a purpose or not.
1) they grow from holes in the skull, so they are not hair.I don't know Predator lore very well; are the "dreads" actually supposed to be hair or something else?
Their "dreads" were mentioned in The Predator 2018 when they noted the hunter dogs had it as well, not sure if they said if it had a purpose or not.
Well they are sensors, kind of like a shark has electrical sensors in its nose ( and why hammerhead sharks heads are so wide because it has tons of these sensors to detect movement from a great distance ). The dreads are basically the same thing.
Im not sure they are ears canonically, maybe just something for the suit actor to hear through for practicality and they had to design it into the suit? Or was it before some of the mini quills were inserted and thats where some of them went?
Im not sure they are ears canonically, maybe just something for the suit actor to hear through for practicality and they had to design it into the suit? Or was it before some of the mini quills were inserted and thats where some of them went?
Did Predator 1, Or the AVP's or Predator's masks have these or is it specific to Predator 2 (which also had the snake tongue)? If they are actual ears thats freaky.
"snake tongue" is not specific to P2. again, it was there from the beginning in SW design. so it's safe to assume what a predator tongue looks like.or is it specific to Predator 2 (which also had the snake tongue)
Thanks for all the Predator anatomy knowledge!
Damn, this is part of the design ive never had brought to my attention before. Freaking me out! But is it safe to say they are ears? Were they ever detailed in a monster design book or anything? Because if they are, they must not be functional, they are not designed to capture sound, and they are furthermore concealed behind the dreads and quills. Snakes have ear holes like this, but they dont use them to hear. Its more sensing vibrations. So im still going with they dont have the traditional hearing, but the design is weird as hell now. Why dont i see people bringing them up being absent on hot toys heads ?!a photo on the right is from P1 filming set.
and all P2 headmasks have same ear holes. yes, including those that didn't have to give an actor inside any hearing. or even have any significant role.
that's just part of the design by SW (RIP), and it's painted separately and specifically.
"snake tongue" is not specific to P2. again, it was there from the beginning in SW design. so it's safe to assume what a predator tongue looks like.
I don't know Predator lore very well; are the "dreads" actually supposed to be hair or something else?
Well thats the the thing, we dont need to stretch our imaginations about the dreads anymore. Its canon. They are sensory organs. They were called that in the past in other media, in 2010 when Berserker was decapitated Royce cut several dreads which were also bleeding. So even in movie form we knew they wernt just hair for atleast 8 years.If you can stretch your imagination to believe the dreads are sensors, I think it's not hard to believe that two holes on the sides of the head where ears are usually located are ears.
I disagree. Just because a creature has two holes on the sides of its head it doesnt mean they are ears. As you stated, it may not be conventional hearing, and as i said earlier snakes have them but they are not ears. Theres been multiple times in all of the movies where Predators have had to rely heavily on the mask to hear sounds. So all though they are maybe some form of sensor on the side of the head, its not for detecting sound. Theres no cup around them to capture noise and deflect it inwards, and they are hidden behind long thick sensory organs we now know are the dreads. So they would never catch sound if thats why they are there.It may not be conventional hearing, and it may be supplemented by some form of tech, but those are definitely ears.