I really hope HT gives us the option to buy it with or without Stane, similar to how they did it with the suit-up gantry.
Sorry man, but i think this would be a bad idea, Stane IS the Iron Monger, just like Stark IS Iron Man, the Iron Monger figure just wouldn't be the same without Stane
I think "figure" is another example of Hot Toys mangling the English language.Im fully expecting a non removable torso with lots of detail(clothing,safety harness,maybe a few buttons and lights) and I hope we get a good,insane expression on Obadiah as well.
The engineering of this thing is nuckin' futz. Especially the shoulder/clavicle business . . . .
I'm still a bit shocked that it's going into production.
But once it does, can a Hammer Drone or Whiplash Mk2 be far behind???
There was a Hammer drone proto I saw pics of in a MILK mag once. HT has shown protos now of Classic Pred, Avatar, Monger AND delivered on all of them... can the dron e be far behind?