Super Freak
I'll prob do what most are going to do and use my SS points on this. I know it's going to be way over priced but I know once I see it I'll have to have it.
I'll prob do what most are going to do and use my SS points on this. I know it's going to be way over priced but I know once I see it I'll have to have it.
I was told to use as many points as possible on an order so make it a cheaper order as you don't gain any reward points on that purchase. Why would people use their points on the Iron Monger when he's bound to give you a ton of points?
Does anyone know roughly how big this figure is likely to be?
Well you can guess-timate for yourself based on this pic of the Monger next to a 12 inch HT IM figure
Yeah, should have thought of that, think i'll be buying this from a UK company, thats going to be a b1tch to get through customs
Monger was freaking huge in person!
thats going to be a b1tch to get through customs
it's worth b1tching!
I won't have to pay much more than it costs at SSC so FU Skispam.
I hope that UK and Philippines have to pay quadruple the costs of on the IM Monger.
That'll teach em and send Rambo over there as well
Got something against the British and Philippines? i've had Rambo sent over here and the customs charge wasn't that bad to be honest lol