Now Chewbacca, Han and Obi-wan are getting second runs. How do you feel about this? I don't buy so I can sell on so I'm not worried about the value dropping. I'm glad for those people who want them. But I am annoyed that the second run might have improved QC re: Vader's electronics and Chewie's fur colour. It just feels like I might be left with an inferior product because I bought them on the first release.
If they improve Vader's gloves and electronics I might get it too.
I'm only surprised that they wouldn't also do it for the Storm Trooper.
Good call there. It's probably a strategic move. I would also expect more from Empire and Jedi with different packaging or whatever. But the best move to really milk these would be to hold those off a couple years until they start really moving into characters from those films.Rogue One Rerelease!