How do you guys afford this hobby

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No more strip clubs or bars, have not bought a new car in a decade and maintaining the car well to keep for another. Anything I buy I sell if not needed so only dealing w "upgrade" fees so the only thing I "accumulate" are Hot Toys :p
Heh. Better hope your life is really short. Penniless ain't a good way to grow old.


lol it wont matter anymore by the time you sitting there with diapers and mucus running down your nose, looking at some old wrinkly thing that suppose to be your wife, and wondering why your kids - the ones you wasted your life on & putting through college, only visits you once a year.

Hey Sam. If you don't mind me asking, what line of work are you in?
That's kind of tough to say, actually. I guess I'm a researcher/data manager and analyst/program evaluator/grant writer/database and evaluation consultant at the moment, though the place I work, I sometimes wear even more hats than those.
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lol it wont matter anymore by the time you sitting there with diapers and mucus running down your nose, looking at some old wrinkly thing that suppose to be your wife, and wondering why your kids - the ones you wasted your life on & putting through college, only visits you once a year.

Easy to laugh at now and dismiss with a joke, but that's indeed a very somber outlook. Let me tell you something else that isn't very funny: I don't know how old you are, and I don't mean to sound so preachy, but you had better believe me when I tell you that if you have very little or no money when you're old, you are in a world of hurt—especially if you have no loved one there for you like an adult child.
That's kind of tough to say, actually. I guess I'm a researcher/data manager and analyst/program evaluator/grant writer/database and evaluation consultant at the moment, though the place I work, I sometimes wear even more hats than those.

Thanks for letting me know, Sam. I knew you were a pretty smart dude.
I don't think I could ever go back to college. I despise studying. I thought and hoped this would change as the years passed but it hasn't been so. The thought of studying actually gives me what I would call nightmares.
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I love learning. I just feel like the educational path I started when I was just out of high school wasn't really the best choice. Now I'm about six classes away from earning a bachelor's that's kind of useless.
Well, that was how I got pushed back to school in a way. My Bachelors degree wasn't worth much, either (in Psychology) despite the fact that I made good grades, and did all the other stuff we were "supposed" to do as undergrads (research and even working in the field). I couldn't find a job worth a damn, so I went back to school. In hindsight, I might have gone a different path since then, though. I got post-graduate education, again, in an area I enjoyed studying (Political Science), because it was all about "me" at the time, and I've never been driven by financial considerations so much as trying to do what I enjoyed. Now that I have a family--something I didn't really foresee having when I started grad school--I start wondering if I shouldn't have chosen a more lucrative path like law, or engineering.

But. . .it's all good. Money doesn't make you happy, after all, but like I was saying earlier in this thread, I might have to start making concessions on my collecting habits as my other responsibilities start taking more of a financial toll.
Yeah. I'm almost done with my degree in English with a grade 6-12 teaching certification. It's what I've always wanted to do, but I might have to move across the country to try to find work and the money isn't that great either. I was actually considering trying to start fresh with a degree in engineering or accounting for the money. Law school after the bachelor's was another consideration. Like you said, money isn't everything.

Writing is another one of my passions, so I'd like to pursue that as well even if it's only as a hobby.
Now that I have a family--something I didn't really foresee having when I started grad school--I start wondering if I shouldn't have chosen a more lucrative path like law, or engineering.

Screw that. I'd rather be spending my free time wishing I had more money than spending money wishing I had more free time.
Well good luck with all that, Ben. I've been there, for sure.

Screw that. I'd rather be spending my free time wishing I had more money than spending money wishing I had more free time.
Well, you don't have to work 80 hour weeks to make lots of money in lucrative careers. I have an engineer friend that does the typical 9-5 and brings in nearly twice what the wife and I bring in combined. Now does he enjoy his work as much as we do? And is he making as worthwhile a contribution to the world? I dunno.

But my parents never made much money, and we were always pretty happy growing up. If they were always chasing money, that may not have been the case. And in the final analysis, enjoying life to the extent that you can is really the most important thing in my view. If that means that you've got to do without a few things here or there, or can't retire to a private island when you're finished, then I think that's a trade-off I will take.
I had to drop a lot of things I used to collect so I can focus mainly on Hot Toys and some other parts here and there for kitbashing. I feel lucky that I will always have a pretty big tax free paycheck coming cause I'm a disable/wounded vet, plus the VA is paying $154k for me to go back to school.
You do have a point. My friend's roommate is in public accounting, and he makes pretty good money, but his hours are brutal. Yesterday, my friend and I got off of work at 4:00, hung out for awhile, had dinner, and then played Street Fighter vs. Tekken for a few hours. His roommate didn't get back from work until about 8:00 and then he went back an hour later and didn't get home until after midnight. I'm too lazy for that. I'd rather have more time for me.
Without getting into a long, drawn out story, I basically just get what I can now because in the near future I won't be able to.