How long have you been collecting and what do you mostly collect ?

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Super Freak
Dec 16, 2007
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United Kingdom
I've been collecting for about 5 years.
From the smaller mcfarlane and neca stuff up to palisades and sideshow stuff.
I'm mainly looking at alien and predator at the minute.
How bout you ?:D
I've been collecting for 1 1/2 main lines: LOTR and Hellboy.....but I got a few Marvel pieces, Highlander and Darkness. :D Don't have the room for anymore that's what I'm sticking with. I also collect 99% Sideshow...though I do have some Bowen, Mezco, Neca and Hot Toys.
i mostly collect 12in figures. in fact im cutting down on statues and busts and focusing on only 1/6 scale cuz there is just too much cool stuff in the works and im sure the best is yet to come. id say i started collecting 12in figures about 3 years ago with the buffy line. but i actually started with some mcfarlane stuff about 6-7 years ago. i just had to have their metallica figures which i still have somewhere and a bunch of iron maiden eddie figures. 1/6 scale figures have spoiled me though and its hard to go back to the smaller figures now.
Been collecting for about 7 years. Mainly Marvel/DC stuff with the odd Hellboy and Horror piece (PF from SS) thrown in. Started off with Bowen busts, and although I still have a few, I've progressed to full size statues, particularly SS ones.
I've been collecting toys since I was 11, so almost 13 years, but higher-end Sideshow and statue-type stuff? I guess about 6 years. My collection is almost entirely LOTR and Star Wars with the odd license thrown in here and there.
I would buy a figure once is a very long period of time while in highschool, then when I was about 19 or 20 (about 10 years ago) I got interested in completing a set of M.U.S.C.L.E. figures... and as I was doing that I got interested in other newer and older figures and over time I became pretty hardcore moving from 8" McFarlane style stuff into 1/6 figures. Now about 90% of my collecting is 1/6 figures.
started with Comics....
.. was a HUGE McFarlane fan... which led me to start collecting when the Spawn line debuted .. the rest is history....

also had a lot of Transformers as a kid, but that was before official collecting started...
I started collecting when I was 14. I was a huge comics fan all of my life and when the McFarlane toys started coming out, I was right there. I didn't buy a lot, but I did have a good collection. Eventually, when they did the Movie Maniacs and Austin Powers... I started collecting entire lines.

It then moved into Star Wars as well and once I found Sideshow... it's all been snowballing from there. :lol

I mostly collect Film and comics characters. I just collect any of the heroes or heroines from my youth and adulthood as well. I have mostly Sideshow and Hot Toys at the moment, mixed in with a few customs and a few Medicom figures. I sold off most of my old busts and McFarlane stuff a long time ago.

I honestly can't remember a time when I wasn't collecting something. :joy
It seems like I've been collecting forever, but in truth I started about 15 years ago, and the progression has been in both size and cost. In the beginning was the collecting of the 5 inch Star Wars figures, and I have about 120 or so of those. Then I moved to 12" Star Trek, Xena, and Babylon 5 figures (not Sideshow). Somehow I found Sideshow and began collecting the higher quality Sideshow 12" figures, and it spread to LOTR polystone, then several lines of the PF's, now it's Hot Toys Predators and Aliens, some Medicom figures, Uni Monster 1:1 busts... What a crazy hobby!! :duh :joy
I have been collecting since 12 years ago (when i was 9 years old) since the first JP (Jurassic Park figures of Kenner) till nowadays that im collecting HB (Hellboy), i mostly collected LOTR for 5 years aprox.
Well as a kid I always had toys I distinguish between then and now. Especially because it really wasn't "collecting"...

I started my current, adult collecting probably back in around 2001 with the new "G.I. Joe vs. Cobra" series. I had a few things previous to then, but this was the first serious, adult collecting I did. I continued with GI Joe for quite a while and then around 2005-2006 I first got to know Hot Toys because of their AVP Snap-Kit figures (by then GI Joe was slowly "dying out" again). I've always been a fan of ALIENS (and Predator) and I loved the 1:18 (same as Joe) scale so it was a perfect fit. AVP came out too and I saw the Hot Toys 12'' AVP Predators as well as the ALIENS Colonial Marines...and that opened up the path I am on now.
I was 6 when ANH hit the theater so I have been collecting Star Wars and Pirate stuff (because of my love of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers who I became of fan of in 1979) since I was a kid. Mostly as I was growing up I had quantity over quality buying all the little doodads and goofy stuff but now that I am older I am trying to move into more quality, which also sadly means more expensive, items and less on the "junky" little stuff.
I've been collecting since I was really young. I started with sports cards and worked my way up over the years. My Dad did the same and now lives through me and my collecting.
Jeez, I think I've been collecting all my life just about. I've always gone overboard on things, Ninja Turtles may have been my first obsession, I had to have all of them and all of their stuff (the van and the blimp I remember well) then came power rangers, then there was beanie babies. I could never buy just one thing, I always had to have every last one. Example one time I got a free Froud pixie in a sideshow box, would you believe I tracked them down until I had all four? I have no clue why.

Anyway, I suppose I started truly collecting in July of 2003 when I bought my first James Bond 12" figures from Sideshow. Now it's progressed to mostly Star Wars although I've picked up a number of Marvel figures along the way. I am limited on space so I mostly get the things I think are the coolest or my favorite characters. I prefer PF's to 12" but for something I like the 12". For instance I'm only buying PT Jedi in 12". I also love Disney stuff so I've got a few Disney pieces.
I have been collecting figures for about 1 1/2 years now, before that I was really into hockey cards. It all started with collecting Jakks Rocky figures both loose and MOC. One day I stumbled across an image of a Voorhees Sideshow figure and have been hooked ever since.

I would say my collection is mainly of based on childhood favorite movies like First Blood, Robocop, Rocky, Terminator 1&2 and of course Horror. I recently picked up a Superman Returns HT figure and still want to eventually get something Predator.

I have always collected toys as a kid, He-Man, Spiderman, Batman, A-Team, etc so i've always loved the action figure. I too went through the comic book phase in my teens, I was obsessed with Spiderman and Batman.

Oh yeah .......................HOT TOYS ROCKS!
I started about 5 years ago, my first figure was the MCFarlane Predator figure from MM6.

Then I bought many, many McFarlane figures, I sold them all after I bought my first Sideshow figure, that was the Son of Frankenstein 12" figure.

Then I bought my first statue, the WETA Morgul Lord and then I went completely berserk !
I started at the young age of 6... then when I got to age 13 i skiped all the hasblow stuff and went directly to medicom and hot toys.
I first started as a kid with Lego, when Star Wars Lego came out I started collecting that, after a while I had a pretty large collection but after leaving for college I sold my Star Wars Lego collection last year. Started collecting Star Wars 12" figures with Kit Fisto (almost two years ago!)

I would get other lines (and the Indy PF may be my first in another line) but it's expensive and I'm just a poor college student.

I collect Serenity/Firefly stuff too, but there's not much of that. (although thank god Trevor is working on some sculpts of those characters since no company has picked up the license for figures).
Hi my names Jason and Im a collector . . .

I started collecting when I was small . . . football stickers for the most part

the occasional stamp

It all started so innocently and then I reached 34 and was bought my first 12 inch figure

2 years later Ive now got a 100 of the things and a severely beaten credit card

Dont do it I tell ya its just not worth the human cost

anything you have more than 2 off, underwear, drinking glasses, TV's get rid of all of them except 1

as collections in any shape or form are bad, bad, bad

. . . . .

here endeth the Collector Anonymous meeting for this week
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18yrs but I've wanted to collect around 21 yrs ago (I was Seven) but I just didn't have the funds then:lol:D, I've just changed to collecting PF's Marvel and Star Wars lines and that's it for now.