I have about 4 figures that I only inspected upon arrival and never touched again since... I can live with that. The main issue here being space. I just don't have enough display space to unpack everything.
But I do, of course, hope that will change at some point...
However, I do have a real issue regarding "loose parts".
I know it's not exactly the same but from my perspective it kinda is

See, I came into this hobby kitbashing. That's how I got most my figures. So I've always been on the lookout for great parts. And back in the day I really kitbashed a lot. But at some point it just became less and less actual figure building however the projects in my mind never really stopped manifesting. So I continued buying parts, of course.
Now I'm at a point where I have hundreds of loose parts just lying around - and let's face it - probably never to be used again...
(Quick rough count: about 130 head sculpts, painted and unpainted but mostly painted), about 75 bodies, ~50 button shirts, ~ 60 longsleeves and T-shirts, ~ 30 jackets and so on and on and on...)
Like I said, it's not exactly the same. But the underlying problem actually is:
You simply just buy things to make sure you have them but you don't really care for them anymore...
Basically: I got it here in my possession, so I can sleep soundly again in case I might actually need it at some point in time but in the meantime it just rots in some box and never actually sees the light of day.
So yeah... Hi there everyone.

My name is Retard and I do have a problem.