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Thank you!
It wasn't easy letting go of my DX13, and my Burton Batman figures..and maybe Robocop. The other ones I truly didn't give a damn.
There was a point in which I was literally buying crap I had no attachment to (some Iron Meh even) mainly because they looked cool. Vehicles that I had no space for, characters that were amazing looking (Hellboy, Some Depp figures) but again, that I never gave a damn about. The HT bug, if you will.
Had I applied myself and stick only to things I actually cared for, maybe, the outcome would've been different, but it was way too late. I had to get rid of them all, I just had to do it. I needed to know I could and that this wasn't an addiction of some sort (It was clearly going into that direction).
When I say addiction, I'm not trying to compare it with drugs, or any of the sort. Some sort of addiction.
But once that was over, I felt in control. Will I ever buy a HT again? Why the hell not! But I'm older and wiser now, and unless all the things that I really want to do are crossed of my list, I won't. Some may say that $300 is completely justified for an action figure because of licenses, detail, etc etc etc etc. But just listen to yourself when you say that though. $300 is not, IS NOT pocket change. You can feed a family three months with that money in some parts of the world.
Now, I'm in no way trying to make anyone feel bad about their spending. You are all free to do whatever you want. That's the reasoning I choose to rationalize my personal spending ONLY.
If these things were cheaper, it would be a different story. I spend at the most, $130 on a full sized Masterpiece Transformer that comes out 3 or 4 times a year if one is lucky. Those things transform into real life vehicles (some not) and look amazing in both modes. Why don't they charge $300 for the "engineering"? Or the real life Nissan/Toyota/Lamborghini/etc license? No, they keep it affordable, something HT will not do. If you were to tell me that there is more engineering involved when making a Batman rubbery figure compared to a freaking semi truck that turns into an amazing looking Prime I would laugh.
Man, I sound like a broken record. I really like what HT does, but I guess I just can't justify it any longer. Too many factors.
My brodero (arrested development reference)!!
Now I'm feeling a bit remorseful lol. Nah I know it wasn't your intention, but what you said is pretty much what I'm secretly aware of, but won't allow myself to acknowledge. Once acknowledgement settles in, I would personally feel like a bad human being. I'm aware that it's my money and what I do with it is up to me. Buying toys doesn't make one a bad person, it's just that personally, I WOULD feel that way, because in truth, the money I've spent thus far could've gone into better and more worthwhile things. You could also make the argument that the money I'm spending on these toys are helping put food on the tables of the people in the factories that put them together. But like any corporation that uses hires these factories and the people in them...just how much of my money is going to them and how much of my money is filling up the pockets of the people that sit behind the desk?
It goes without saying, only people with disposable income, such as us, SHOULD be buying this stuff, not Joe Schmoe who relies on food stamps to feed his family. However, even with disposable income, shouldn't we be encouraged to use that money for better causes? Ugh, honestly I don't even wanna open that can. I guess deep down I am a selfish person. Granted the money I have CAN go to both better causes AND my obsession...even then, at the end of it all, is the item I'm buying really worth THAT MUCH??
I agree word for word with you about the licensing costs and what have you. Any argument made FOR it does not sit well with me to this day. I still don't buy it. Some here have blown license fees way out of proportion. No one truly knows how much they cost, but I can't imagine it being unreasonable. Ultimately, the property owners such as marvel, DC, Disney, want to sell toys. It's either toys are to promote the movies, or the movies are to promote the toys. So I find it hard to believe when someone comes out and says licensing fees are astronomical therefore the merchandise must reflect that. It's complete BS. Take for instance, HT Optimus prime and 3A's Optimus prime. 1 is 12", not as intricate and costs $350usd, the other is over 18", intricate with a bunch of moving parts and costs just a little over $400usd. This alone raised a couple of red flags for me. I don't think I need to go into detail why the huge contrast between both offerings is a mind ****, the products and their respective MSRP says it all. $400usd is nothing to scoff at, but when you compare it to an item that's less detailed and smaller and costs roughly $50 less...I think it's clear which one is the better buy. It'll be a completely different scenario if the HT prime cost $180usd (what I truly think it's worth), but this isn't the case. The only explanation I can come up with that solves the question of why HT products are so expensive is; greed. They're banking on their name and know they can get away with it.
And this bit is up your alley Fran...TT are kind of guilty of doing something similar. Not to the extremes of HT, but nonetheless they are. In terms of build quality, transformation and overall, I find myself comparing MP to the binaltechs of yesteryear. Again, what a glorious time to be a collector lol. Binaltechs were bigger, based on real cars, had diecast (I'll come back to this later on), complex (at times unnecessarily so) transformations, had far more detail and cost $50-$60 USD. Compared to the MP line, they're smaller, not as complex, and while still detailed...just not AS detailed as binaltechs...they cost $60-$180, depending on the character. I know those came out 10 years ago and we gotta factor inflation, rising costs, weakening of the dollar and oil yadda yadda...
But oil is cheap. NOW. It's the cheapest it's ever been in 10 years. The following questions aren't directed at you btw, just in case you take my frustration the wrong way haha.
So where the hell are these insane mark ups coming from? Plastic? Paint work? License fees? It's gotta be that. For the licensed cars such as sideswipe, smokescreen etc...it took over 10 years for what I consider a reasonable mark up. However, I can't say the same for MP09, MP10 (which funny enough, the re-release was significantly cheaper than its first release...most likely due to KOs eating up TT market). A big MP release I think fairly fits it's MSRP is ultra Magnus. You'd think he'd cost $250...but nope. A reasonable $170-180. THATS how one should do it.
Which brings me to my final point. Diecast. The binaltechs had crap tons of diecast and cost $50-$60...whereas IM MKwutever features LESS or about the same amount of diecast has an MSRP north of $350...
3 years ago, from $220 to $350....W.T.F.