How many prefer OT characters over PT characters?

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No he didnt would Anakin have turned all the way if he would of walked in and Palpatine was standing over Mace? No I dont think so plus in the book it really expands on it and you find out Mace was at his breaking point.
Les couleurs et les gouttes ca ce discute pas...

I'm a bit surprized to find this kind of discussion here. Comparing the OT and the PT is a bit like comparing apples to pears. It is clear that it's mainly a matter of taste and age whether you prefer the OT or the PT. I thought it was clear that both, the OT and the PT have their strong points and their week points. I think the real problem with both trilogies, is the 25 or so years that lied between making them. The spirit of the time in which the OT was released was completely different. Therefore the perception was different too. Also, the technical standards have changed, which clearly had a great influence on the way the story in the PT evolved. When making the PT, in stead of creating a true (visual) unity between the both trilogies (which could be easily achieved btw.), Lucas decided to cloud our perception with marvelous eye candy. I guess he had no other choice too. Would you go to the theaters to watch a ScFi movie, made by the 1980 standards? Well, perhaps the nostalgic amongst us would. Anyhow, I am grateful to the man. Without Star Wars, life would just not be the same.

PS: George, please reconsider filming one more episode! Hamill, Fisher and Ford have reached the perfect age and looks to pick up their roles for a last sequel!
PS2: Personally i belive OT rules over PT, with EMPIRE as my all time favorite. Still, tomorrow I'll walk into the next best shop to buy my copy of ROTS. Only for the eye candy of course...!
Now the shadow was only Palpatine: old and shrunken, thinning hair bleached by time and care, face lined with exhaustion.
"For all your power, you are no Jedi. All you are, my lord," Mace said evenly, staring past his blade,"is under arrest."
"Do you see, Anakin? Do you?" Palpatine's voice once again had the broken cadence of a frighteded old man's. "Didn't I warn you of the Jedi and their treason?"
"Save your twisted words, my lord. There are no politicians here. The Sith will never regain control of the Republic. It's over. You've lost." Mace leveled his blade. "You lost for the same reason the Sith always lose: defeated by your own fear."
Palpatine lifted his head.
His eyes smoked with hate.
"Fool" he said
He lifted his arms, his robes of office spreading wide into raptor's wings, his hands hooking into talons.
"FOOL!" His voice was a shout of thunder. "Do you think the fear you feel is mine?"
Lighting blasted the clouds above, and lightning blasted from Palpatines hands, and Mace didnt have time to comprehend what Palpatine was talking about; he had time only to slip back into Vaapad and angle his blade to catch the forking arcs of pure, dazzling hatred that clawed toward him.
Because Vaapad is more than a fighting style. It is a state of mind: a channel for darkness. Power passed into him and out again without touching him.
And the circuit completed itself: the lightning reflected back to its source.
Palpatine staggered, snarling, but the blistering energy that poured from his hands only intensified.
He fed the power with his pain.
"Anakin"Mace called. His voice sounded distant, blurred, as if it came from the bottom of a well."Anakin, help me! This is your chance!"
He felt Anakin's leap from the office floor to the ledge, felt his approach behind-
And Palpatine was not afraid.
Mace could feel it: he wasnt worried at all.
"Destroy this traitor," the Chancellor said, his voice raised over the howl of writhing energy that joined his hands to Mace's blade. "This was never an arrest. It's an assassination!"
That was when Mace finally understood. He had it. The key to final victory. Palpatine's shatterpoint. The absolute shatterpoint of the Sith.
The shatterpoint of the dark side itself.
Mace thought, blankly astonished, Palpatine trusts Anaking Skywalker...
Now Anakin was at Mace's shoulder. Palpatine still made no move to defend himself from Skywalker; instead he ramped up the lighting bursting from his hands, bending the fountain of Mace's blade back toward the Korun Masters face.
Palpatine's eyes glowed with power, casting a yellow glare that burned back the rain from around them. "He is a traitor, Anakin. Destroy him."
"You're the chosen one, Anakin," Mace said, his voice going thin with strain. This was beyond Vaapad; he had no strength left to fight against his own blade."Take him. It's your destiny."
Skywalker echoed him faintly"Destiny..."
"Help me! I cant hold on any longer!" The yellow glare from Palpatine's eyes spread outward through his flesh. His skin flowed like oil, as thought the muscle beneath was burning away, as though even the bonees of his skull were softening, were bending and bulging, deforming from the heat and pressure of his electric hatred. "He is killing me, Anakin-! Please ahhaa-"
Mace's blade bent so close to his face that he was choking on ozone. "Anakin, he's too strong for me-"
"Ahhhh-"Palpatine's roar above the endless blast of lighting became a
fading moan of dispair.
The lightning swallowed itself, leaving only the night and the rain, and an old man crumpled to his knees on a slippery ledge.
"I cant. I give up. I....Iam too weak, in the end. Too old, and too weak. Dont kill me, Master Jedi. Please. I surrender."
Victory flooded through Mace's arching body . He lifted his blade. "You Sith disease-"
"Wait-"Skywaker seized his lightsaber arm with desperate strength. "Don't kill him-you can't just kill him, Master-"
"Yes I can," Mace said, grim and certain. "I have to."
"You came to arrest him. He has to stand trial-"
"A trial would be a joke.He controls the courts. He controls the Senate-"
"So are you going to kill all them, too? Like he said you would?"
Mace yanked his arm free."He's too dangerous to be left alive. If you could have taken Dooku alive, would you have?"
Skywalker's face swept itself clean of emotion. "That was different-"
Mace turned toward the cringing, beaten Sith Lord."You can explain the difference after he's dead."
He raised his lightsaber.
"I need him alive!" Skywalker shouted."I need him to save Padme!"
Mace thought blankly, Why? And moved his lightsaber toward the fallen Chancellor.
Before he could follow through on his stroke, a sudden arc of blue plasma sheared through his wrist and his hand tumbled away with his lightsaber still in it and Palpatine roared back to his feet and lightning speared from the Sith Lord's hankds without his blade to catch it, the power of Palpatine's hate struck him full-on.
He had been so intent on Palpatine's shatterpoint that he'd never thought to look for Anakin's.
Dark lighting blasted away his universe
He fell forever.
From the ROTS book right at the window point before hand it gives you a good idea how strong Palpatine actually is but I didnt feel like typing all of that!:google
I prefer the OT and not just due to nostalgia, there are plenty of films I enjoyed as kid that I can't stand to watch now. I liked AOTC and ROTS, but I just wasn't able to connect with the prequel characters aside from Obi-Wan (thanks to a stellar performance by Ewan McGregor) and Yoda. It's kind of a sad comment on the prequel films when a digital character is more believable than the majority of the live actors. Most of the performances are just wooden and lifeless, even Sam Jackson manages to come off this way. And while the OT coud get cheesy at times (mostly ROTJ), it never got as silly as someone dying of a broken heart, I mean c'mon now.
My son would rather watch any of the prequels rather than the original trilogy. It will be interesting to see how the ranking of the Star Wars films will be 20 years from now. Then, there will be a whole generation that grew up with Lucas' vision of the whole saga adding their voices to the ones that see them as separate trilogies.

Considering how the Friday the 13th films, Clash of the Titans, Goonies, Never Ending Story and Tron are NOW viewed as classics (personally I thought they all sucked at the time of release), I think time will be VERY good to the prequels.
Good point Protozaius. But that brings up one point to be considered. Do you introduce a new generation to all 6 films in chronological order or OT first?

Losing the impact of learning Vader is Luke's father in Empire would certainly lessen the impact of the entire trilogy.
I'd show them 1-6.

That way you get to watch LUKE discover who his father is.

1-6 also gives the viewer the shock of seeing Anakin become evil.
Shaihulud said:
And finally, if Mace had the upper hand so easily on Palpatine, how comes Yoda gets the s**t kick out of him at the end by Palpatine ???? Mace is stronger than Yoda???
So much unexplained things that I think could have been handled better.
The biggest problem with the new movies was : LUCAS

There's a big debate about this andf the general concensus is that Yoda was weakened from the strain of feeling so many Jedi he had trained and were close to him killed. Also Palpatine got the drop on him with the Force lightning further weakening him. Lastly, for the specific comparison between Windu and Yoda, Mace Windu is regarded as being the best fighter of the Jedi Order. He created his own style of fighting Vapaad, which as I understand it uses ones emotions to power ones attacks. In this style of fighting anger is used and comes dangerously close to the dark side. Some say Mace was on the Dark side when he wanted to kill Palpatine, but I disagree. I also digress, the fight between WIndu and Palps was one of swordmanship. Yoda and Palps fought mostly using the Force, which was weakened by the dark side. I hope thats not way more in depth than you wanted. Always be carefull when you ask a fanatic a question. LOL

Dave, I've been pondering the question of order myself. I think it'd be interesting to watch them in order of ANH, TPM, AOTC, ROTS, ESB, ROTJ. This seems to appeal to me, but I don't know if it is the best way to view them.
TheObsoleteMan said:
it never got as silly as someone dying of a broken heart, I mean c'mon now.

I dunno... seeing a Stormtrooper fall from a rock thrown by an Ewok comes AWFULLY close.:horror

Heck, I'd like to have seen MORE death in Jedi. How about Han never getting out of the carbonite? Or killed by Boba Fett after being released? At the VERY least have Lando die during the attack on the Death Star like it was originally planned.
I remember, when I watched the films of the OT, I was excited and emotionally engaged. Watching the parts of the PT has a lot of excitement, but emotion? No, not really. As I said before, there is an age-issue here: being younger back then, the OT films made a lasting impression on me. It would really surprise me to find much youngsters preferring the OT over the PT today.

I'd show them 1-6.

That way you get to watch LUKE discover who his father is.

1-6 also gives the viewer the shock of seeing Anakin become evil.

That's an other point... Don't you think it takes a whole lot more to "shock" people presently? As I said before, there is a spirit of the time-issue here as well. It is not that easy to impress people any more.
Vader's reveal as Luke's father was better than any twist (or shock) found in the prequels. I think first time viewers should still watch the OT first.
Wouldn't watching the Star Wars films in their correct order, not their filmed order, take the piss out of almost every revelation that was totally cool the first time around? Now we now of Luke and Leia and their parentage well before the revealing moments in Empire and Jedi. Ít seems like what was once a cool reveal is now telegraphed, and somewhat ineffectual. I think that Lucas got so mired in some of his ideas that he couldn't connect new plot points to threads he started fifteen years prior. That being said, I grew up with the original trilogy, and would have to rate them at the top.

1.Star Wars (The original soooo got me hooked)
2. Empire (Hoth, Dagobah, and Bespin pretty much kick ass!)
3. Jedi (I love the creature effects and miniature work by ILM, which had more reality for me than any CGI creation ever will)
4. Revenge of the Sith (A few minor problems, like the aforementioned lack of will to live, which apparently robots have sensors for, huh)
5. Attack of the Clones (Cool Obi-Wan stuff, but I can do without Anakin/Padme)
6. Phantom Menace (Highlights: Maul. Lowlights: Jake Lloyd (to be fair he was just a kid, and most of the responsibility rests with Lucas for that one)

Do I want Prequel figures? Heck yeah! Maul, ROTS Obi-Wan, Dooku, Mace, and a second for Jar Jar (HE is responsible for the formation of the empire).
I just hope that they make one prequel figure for every original trilogy figure made. I would much rather have a Sideshow Ree-Yees before Clones Anakin!
I perfer PT characters just because I'm kind of sick of seeing figures from the OT for the past 30 years. They been done over & over. But I look at the films as one movie. Like LOTR, which one is best? It's really one film. Star Wars is a little different because of the time lapse, but the better technology hasn't helped the prequels.

I still cant believe at the end of ROTS when Vader yells NOOOOOOO!!! How can they not cut that from the film. IT ruins the whole movie. Lucas is a bad director, thats why Empire is rated #1 among them all.

The prequels needed more Violence or Drama. They should of shown Anakin kill the Sand People, and the young Jedi's. But thats why Lucas can't Direct. He wants to keep it as "Disney" as possible. I wondered why these things weren't shown, but he talks about in a interview I read awhile back.
Interesting question on how to watch the 6 films. Either in filmed or chronological order works, with impact shifted more to either Anakin or Luke in terms of shock factor. If we are talking about someone who has not seen the films (who hasn't) they could see them this way:


More shocking ROTS would be, since there is no knowledge of Darth Vader from the later films. ROTS would be more tragic, more upsetting. Too bad the Anakin/Padme romance wasn't more convincing. I think they were pretty bad together in AOTC, but were better in ROTS, especially Padme.
Watching A New Hope, the viewer knows who Vader , Luke, Leia are. We already know the truth that Luke is Vader's son. So, the perspective you view Episodes IV to VI changes. You understand why Obi-wan "committed suicide" on the Death Star. And in Empire, the shock Luke feels is not there for the viewer, more like pity for him. Return of the Jedi is the best way to end Star Wars as Luke rejects the Dark side "I'll never turn to the dark side. You have failed your highness, I am a Jedi like my father before me." And then of course Vader saves Luke and himself by destroying the Emperor. I think Vader's death is more moving now that we have seen Anakin in the NT.
I think Lucas was smart not to show Anakin murdering the younglings. Merely hinting at Anakin's/Vader's evil deeds makes it easier for people to accept his redemption in ROTJ, actually showing him stabbing and beheading little children would have made him unredeemable in most people's eyes in my opinion.
First my ranking:


*Big Separation*


For me the comments about comparisons not being valid, are in themselves invalid; if these are meant to be construed as one long story, then inevitably they will be considered that way. The most obvious note of comparison to me is essentially story over flash. I personally feel that the PT are so artificial and digitalized, that we lost much of the wit and depth that made the originals so effective. Lucas was attempting to create myth to inspire a generation largely discouraged and estranged due to the societal conflicts and scandals of the time. The PT lost that vision and became nothing more than "good eye candy," set on making us essentially watch just how many CG characters Lucas could fill the screen with. I found absolutely no character to be admirable, no one I could identify with; and actually detested them all by ROTS. Yoda was disgraced with the advice he gives to Anakin, you actually wished he would suffer loss. Mace became a cruel step-father, never letting Anakin play in any "Jedi-games." Obi -Wan was an ignorant and indifferent tutor, who failed to keep his apprentice close to his side. And Anakin, oh my, what a winey, spoiled, half-wit. The relationship of Padme and Anakin could only take place "in a galaxy far, far away," because dialogue so stale and heartless would never beget a lasting relationship on this planet. I couldn't care less who died, they all were whiney and irritating. The Jedi were portrayed as tyrants in ROTS, you actually wanted the Sith to win.

Where's Padme ...... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :rolleyes:

Padme loosing the will to live, decidedly dying and leaving her unborn to fend for themselves, what a spoiled brat!

Anakin hacking up Jedi younglings, and then finding redemption in ROTJ - I almost want him to die a cruel and miserable man now.

And perhaps worst of all my grievances, is just how small this Star Wars world really was. Is it not comical how they all seem to live just two doors down? ROTS was the worst at this, little quips about how you can communicate with those who have died for example. Or Anakin being the real builder of 3PO, come on Lucas, Yoda didn't have to meet Chewbacca, we don't need it all spelled out for us.

Bottom line, I wish there was more substance and less computer game, but alas we have what we were given.
Alice Adrenochrome said:
I remember, when I watched the films of the OT, I was excited and emotionally engaged. Watching the parts of the PT has a lot of excitement, but emotion? No, not really. As I said before, there is an age-issue here: being younger back then, the OT films made a lasting impression on me. It would really surprise me to find much youngsters preferring the OT over the PT today.

That's an other point... Don't you think it takes a whole lot more to "shock" people presently? As I said before, there is a spirit of the time-issue here as well. It is not that easy to impress people any more.

So true with the new generation liking PT over OT. Can you believe some dont even know an OT exist! I was stunned. Then again most people in my year group think the new Dukes of Hazard or Eurotrip is the best movie ever. Whats the world coming too...

The main reason I have such a diverse love for movies(and dont judge then if theyre black and white or subtitled) is due to my brother. Hes the BIGGEST movie buff and lover Ive ever known, theyre a real passion to him and without him I wouldnt even be here today! Hes an aspiring director and writer, I really hope he makes it. Anyway I find it kind of sad the new generation think this way, I guess good cinema, new and old isnt cool or sick enough. Most people laugh at the idea of a black and white movie, and foreign movies are too annoying to read. And CGI and things blowing up is way cooler than a superb scene with dialogue, O well, theyre really missing out!:D
I really don't understand all the fuss about computer graphics other than it being easier to create.

I actually prefer the special effects from the original (non-SE) trilogy. Sure they were just miniature models and puppets, but at least they actually existed in one form or another infront of a camera's eye. Artificially drawn computer renderings still hardly come close to fooling my eyes.

And yet, I would have forgiven the special effects in the prequels if the story had been the same quality of the originals...(namely ESB). But of course it wasn't <sigh>

Do you ever wish that Lucas had stretched the original trilogy story arc over six movies so that right after ROTJ (part 6) came part 7, 8, and 9? (While retaining the same actors/characters....along with going into more depth) That way we could have enjoyed star wars of the same flavor during 1986, 1989, and 1992. Ahh, imagining the "What ifs" can be so fun :)