Hi fans,
You know, I feel I've tried to communicate with you, but the more things I say to you, the more I feel I'm just talking to a brick wall. Remember that time I saw you looking at that other collectibles company, and called you out on it? I wasn't saying you were going to cheat, or anything, but right away, you call me jealous, and say I was accusing you of cheating. Or how about that time I came home, and found that clamshell in the trash for an action figure. An action figure, of all things? I thought we have moved passed those, but you know what? I accepted it. But when you saw me with bobble heads, did I get the same acceptance? No.
I love you. Really, I do. But there doesn't seem to be a lack of communication. There seems to be a lack of compromise. You asked for no twist ties. I gave it to you. I asked you to accept ABS in a Premium Format, and you threw it back in my face. I'm trying here, ya know.
Maybe it's time we took a little time apart. Maybe then we can realize what it is we're missing between us.
I don't know.
Heartbroken but hopeful,