What if your local grocery store asked you for $1,000,000 a year for groceries?
Not judging you guys as people, but that's a really stupid ____ing question.
Convoluted enough for you?
Here's another: the social systems that are corrupted in practice are corrupt in theory. That is how they become the monstrosities they are. Communism is pure evil in theory. Socialism is only slightly better. A mixed economy is what we have now, and events like we've watched over the past 5 years are to be expected.
Capitalism leaves no room for that kind of abuse. I don't know what you're talking about when you use words like exploitation, but I will say that you are not owed a damned thing in life from anyone. You pay for what you use, you are paid what you are worth, and the only people exploiting anyone are the ones who get something for free, and by force. There is no exploitation in a voluntary exchange. Not sure what's broken in people's heads that makes the difference between voluntary and involuntary so hard to comprehend. But, if you see nothing anti-moral (immoral is too small a word) in throttling those who live in your country to provide things for you that you are not willing to pay what the producer would ask if his price wasn't dictated to him by you and your advocates, then I think you have an awfully god-damned view of your own species and it's no wonder you need a savior to make your life worth living.
I'm not sure what your point was with the diatribe there at the end, btw.
Indeed. Getting a bit personal aren't we Devil? In fact that speaks to the tone of your entire post. I understand if you feel backed in a corner as you are clearly in the minority not only here but in the world, but being civil always helps in promoting a cause.
Communism is pure evil in theory.
Opinion. Based on the your personal philosophy.
Socialism is only slightly better.
Opinion. Based on the your personal philosophy.
Capitalism leaves no room for that kind of abuse.
...um yeah... that's
really an opinion.
I am not a "Communist" nor a "Socialist". My point is that these are just all opinions.
That said, here is part of how I think:
My parents don't have health insurance because my mom is "un-insurable". They have their own business and payed for their own insurance for years, but got to a place financially where they could not afford it, so they had to drop it. Shortly after that my mom was diagnosed with cancer. To make a long story short, they had to go into debt and pay out of pocket for her treatment and she now can't get insurance. (She has been in remission for over 10 years, thank goodness.) Recently, she had a gallbladder attack and walked around in severe pain for 3 days hoping that it was a stomach ache that would go away. In the back of her mind she new it was something serious, but hatted to think about the Dr. visits etc. without having health insurance. When she finally broke down and went in (after my prodding) she found out that she had a gallstone lodged in the duct and that because she waited so long to come in the gallbladder was totally necrotic and infected. This turned a routine operation into 4 days in the hospital on an antibiotic drip. Think about those medical bills!!!
You equate "voluntary and involuntary" with good and evil. Consider this: I also have my own business and have to pay for my own insurance. Because of the medical system being run like a business and being payed through insurance companies, medical costs are
over the top. I feel
forced to have insurance.
But I would much rather put that money towards taxes that made it possible for people like my mother to get health care.
The idea of fire protection and police force being paid through an insurance system turns my stomach.
...The question of how it would get done if it was free of government financing is secondary, and completely irrelevant to the question of whether not people have a right to fire protection (or any other safety net entitlements) at the involuntary expense of others.
Just because there is no presently available answer to how the problem would be solved doesn't excuse usurpation of the problem by society at large (represnted by the government). Society doesn't have the right. Society is an aggregate of individuals, and no individual has the right to compel the service of another man. The will of some does not invalidate the right of one. Not if you believe in the right to be free. If you don't, just say so. Don't make me debate vertical integration and anti-trust on my phone.
I see that you view taxes as involuntary and therefore evil,
but what if an individual (including myself) is completely happy letting the government manage certain basic human rights so that all humans are taken care of whether they can afford it or not? Rights like education and protection. [I also see health care as a human right, but I know that is a topic of hot debate.] I don't see any of these impinging on my freedom. Not in any meaningful way.
I believe in the theory of capitalism. I also believe that government is WAY too big. (Even though I work for it...lol).
But I'm just saying I don't think its really practical in this day and age....UNFORTUNATELY.
I can sit here and nod my head, but unfortunately, I don't think we'll be breaking free.
I know you disagree with this, but I see stuff like tax payer funded fire departments or regulating smoking as pretty small evils compared to the wanton abuse of social programs that I don't partake in or government payments to lazy people who refuse to work when they can.
Right. Even if one does believe that "imposing" taxes on the individual is evil, it is the way the system functions, like it or not.
You basically have 2 choices.
1) Try to start a revolution to change the system, using civil war, terrorism, etc. or:
2) Become one of the weirdos that burn their social security card and live out in woods (or Montana) completely off the grid.
And I apologize if I singled anyone out with my savior comment. I was talking about anyone who had lost faith in people's ability to do what's right. Not just people with saviors.
Who would expect people to be good when they are expected to be evil?
I appreciate that.
And no, I don't have faith in people whenever you get a bunch of them together. I believe that individuals can mean well, and do what is right, but as a whole I believe mankind is lost. Can you point to any solid evidence to the contrary? I'm not asking for theories of how it
could be. I mean tangible evidence of what
has been.
So yes, I do see a need for a savior.
I know I am really putting myself out their by making that statement, and I wouldn't have gone there if you hadn't brought it up, but you have been wearing your heart on your sleeve so I will too.