i gather you don't feel a two party system works with today's coplex issues? 1776 was a long time ago and things have changed a bit since then.
Not unless you just want to talk about the issues and not do anything about them, no. We don't need two parties wasting their time trying to 'de-throne' one another and not get anything done.
My main problem with the people and politicians is both intelligence and the stomach to get the job done. Both of them lack it, which isn't a very good idea.
Also to your other post, it isn't about WMDs anymore, incase you haven't heard, Al-Qaeda right now is the foremost problem in Iraq, which is something we CAN'T ignore. We're already treading on thin ice with our allies as it is, if we let these *******s win, not only will we lose the support of our allies(They won't trust us because we won't keep our word on destroying this scum once and for all) but when they attack again(Which chances are, if we do pull out, they probably will) we'll have to drag our ***** back to the Middle East, lose even more troops reclaiming areas we've already lost, and the war will continue even longer. Better to finish it now rather than having to go back there and 'the above' happen, IMO.
We should've learned that from the first Gulf War; leaving something unfinished isn't exactly a good idea, since it can get even more messed up when you HAVE to go back. If we'd simply finished the job the first time instead of making it half-assed, I guarantee you we wouldn't be in Iraq right now.
Those are my opinions on the subject, but as Darklord Dave mentioned before, no more politics(Though if you do want to debate with me, we can take it to PMs if you'd like.
