The Morgul Lord has a paintjob?
Seretur said:The Morgul Lord has a paintjob?
FlyAndFight said:I originally thought that the Balrog was a larger piece until I saw this pic and was really disappointed at the small size. This was one piece deserving of a larger sculpt. While it's still amazing at it's size, personally, I would have trouble justifying paying over double retail for it.
***My apologies to the owner of this pic, as I can't remember where I got it from and thus can't provide proper credit.***
Wow, very small then. I thought that it was much larger too!FlyAndFight said:Congerking, those other statues are in 1/6th scale, so picture a 12" figure in their place, if you have one, in order to judge the height/size of the Balrog.
Beren said:Totally disagree with you there. I paid $860 plus S/H for mine about a year ago (#33, never displayed before I received it), when they were still going for around $950-1100. This is the one statue where I was prepared to pay its full-blown "collector's price". Without thought as to its secondary market value (and what I paid for it ), I think it is apart from RWoS and Daddy Rog the coolest statue of the line (the only SSW statue I've never seen in person is Cave Troll).
The Morgul Lord statue?? Please, the paint job on that one is one of the most disappointing of any of the statues!
kodiak8658 said:The statue is fantastic, but certainly not worth the secondary market price.
goliath said:The definition of "worth" in my dictionary:
Noun: worth (uncountable): Monetary value
So in other words: if people are paying what they are on the secondary market, than that's what it's worth - at least to them (and to the seller).