How old are you?

  • Thread starter The Dwimmerlaik
  • Start date
Collector Freaks Forum

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Yeah, well you suck!:D
Happy Meal says we're old on the outside but young on the inside.

Yeah, well, at least he didn't say it to you while you were shopping for clothes. "Mommy, aren't these 'teenager' clothes"; "I guess you're young on the inside and old on the outside"

Nice...He's such a D-bag sometimes! I swear!:monkey2
20, the worst age to be :monkey2

cuz around this age, you've gotten over buying porn yet you're still not old enough to hit the club
I will be 33 in July...two months ago I felt 43 but since I started working out and changing my diet I feel 23!!!:chew:chew:chew:chew
I have been enjoying 6 days of being 27....looking forward to 359 more. :D