24 Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

24 Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![]()
I am old enough to remember -
-The birth of the Walkman, the Discman, and the first mp3 players.
-Forget about Bluray vs HD-DVD, I remember VHS vs Betamax and I also remember the birth of DVD.
-Remote controls had cords on them!
-I remember taping Vinyl records onto cassettes to play in the car. Then came the birth of the compact disc, then the recordable compact disc.
-Everything was cooked on the stove, I remember the microwave coming in.
-There was no such thing as home computer gaming, you had to go to the corner store to play the arcade cabinet. I saw Space invaders launch !
-The first game I played at home was pong.
-I not only remember the first Gulf War, but also the Falkland Island War.
-The choice of petrol was leaded, or leaded. Petrol stations only sold petrol and parts related to cars, most had a full time mechanic.
-No such thing as a mobile phone as a kid, we had to find a phone booth/box if you had to call home. But you never needed to, because it was perfectly safe and your parents never worried if you disappeared for hours on end.
-Cars had two safety features. Brakes and seatbelts.
-Michael Jackson was cool.....................and black
-There was NO internet, no facebook, no myspace, no youtube.
-You met people by going out
-No email or faxes. If you wanted to write someone you had to mail them and wait days for an answer.
-Cameras used film, and had to be processed. I remember the big deal when 1 hour photo development came in.
-Home theater was a Television, and if you were lucky a 2 speaker stereo, with double cassette!
-Computer games came on cassette.....and took an hour to load
-No GPS.... if you needed to get somewhere you asked for directions
-I remember there being no shopping malls, only a main street, and corner stores that were a short walk from home.
-Watching Star Wars as a new release at the Cinema, then waiting years for the next part
You may think that reading all this that I am fairly old...... however I am only 36. It certainly shows you how much and how quickly things change.![]()
Damn I can relate to all of that as well..![]()
24 Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![]()
You're as old as I am? Crazy, I didn't even realize . . .![]()
Damn I can relate to all of that as well..![]()
I am old enough to remember -
-The birth of the Walkman, the Discman, and the first mp3 players.
-Forget about Bluray vs HD-DVD, I remember VHS vs Betamax and I also remember the birth of DVD.
-Remote controls had cords on them!
-I remember taping Vinyl records onto cassettes to play in the car. Then came the birth of the compact disc, then the recordable compact disc.
-Everything was cooked on the stove, I remember the microwave coming in.
-There was no such thing as home computer gaming, you had to go to the corner store to play the arcade cabinet. I saw Space invaders launch !
-The first game I played at home was pong.
-I not only remember the first Gulf War, but also the Falkland Island War.
-The choice of petrol was leaded, or leaded. Petrol stations only sold petrol and parts related to cars, most had a full time mechanic.
-No such thing as a mobile phone as a kid, we had to find a phone booth/box if you had to call home. But you never needed to, because it was perfectly safe and your parents never worried if you disappeared for hours on end.
-Cars had two safety features. Brakes and seatbelts.
-Michael Jackson was cool.....................and black
-There was NO internet, no facebook, no myspace, no youtube.
-You met people by going out
-No email or faxes. If you wanted to write someone you had to mail them and wait days for an answer.
-Cameras used film, and had to be processed. I remember the big deal when 1 hour photo development came in.
-Home theater was a Television, and if you were lucky a 2 speaker stereo, with double cassette!
-Computer games came on cassette.....and took an hour to load
-No GPS.... if you needed to get somewhere you asked for directions
-I remember there being no shopping malls, only a main street, and corner stores that were a short walk from home.
-Watching Star Wars as a new release at the Cinema, then waiting years for the next part
You may think that reading all this that I am fairly old...... however I am only 36. It certainly shows you how much and how quickly things change.![]()
Damn I remember alot of that list too, I remember using a cell phone for the first time when such things were only seen on Miami Vice...
Oh and I am 27.
Yeah I remember that I always had to miss out on Bravestarr because I had to leave for school at the same moment and always being jealous of a friend of mine who lived closer to school and he always made me mad with his story's on how cool the show was!
Cartoons were definitely better back then...
*moarns the loss of Batman TAS, Gargoyles and Phantom 2040 on Saturday mornings*