How the hell do they paint eyes like these ????

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these ladies look soooo real. that's amazing!:monkey5 who produces these because I'm buying!!:google

unfortunately those babies are painted by an Asian artist and they are REALLY xpensive. couple years ago i bid one (pic below) up to $1100 bucks (which would've gotten me divorced lol). it sold for about $1500. i've seen them as high as $2500, and that's usually just for a head.

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Really nice work! I wish I could paint like that. You know someone should market some eye decals for 1/6 figures, I'm sure that they'd sell !
I emailed the eBay guys and their replies were a little vague. They confirmed the existence of decals and the glass eyes but would not confirm nor deny using them :lol

Also ordered a set of the ZOTZ decals, I'll let y'all know if they are worthwhile.
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Wow! Thanks, Joo! Even without being able to read it, it's informative -- I have seen his works, but never would have dreamed how much prep work he does to sharpen up the details. He's using those rubber dremel bits referenced in the Haute Doll article Spenser posted.

I'm going to try a Babelfish translation later when I have time. Can you tell what the product is that he uses to bleach the discoloration out of the vinyl? It's in the blue bottle on this page:

Wow! Thanks, Joo! Even without being able to read it, it's informative -- I have seen his works, but never would have dreamed how much prep work he does to sharpen up the details. He's using those rubber dremel bits referenced in the Haute Doll article Spenser posted.

I'm going to try a Babelfish translation later when I have time. Can you tell what the product is that he uses to bleach the discoloration out of the vinyl? It's in the blue bottle on this page:

Hi Gruff Old Bear, I'm a new comer and nice to meet you,

I also don't know the blue bottle solvent and they call this 落書き落とし,
or may be some kind of solvent/remover that for removing the oil, Garfitti...etc
Very cool thread!
Nice to see the brushstrokes at that extreme magnification, as you do when you blow this stuff up that much. Great refs though.

Still don't like the white dots syndrome that pervades the hobby, but that is, sorry, gotta say it, in the eyes of the beholder.

Nice stuff!

Can you tell what the product is that he uses to bleach the discoloration out of the vinyl? It's in the blue bottle on this page:

i've had great results w/ Oxy 10. yes the acne cream. someone recommended it and it works! took some bad stains off heads in about a week. put some on stain then place in the sun or under a bright light. every 6 hours take off old cream, add new. i only put new on every day and that's probably why it took a week. heard it works quicker if u replace the cream every few hours. stain disappears gradually. i'm told by the folks at MWD (thanks Tad!) that this stuff from Twin Pines works good. called Remove-Zit.

i'd be careful w/ that tho. i heard it works a lot faster than Oxy but it's so strong it can actually damage the vinyl and/or leach the original color out..
I actually have a head painted by this guy. I was making my niece a Greek warrior/goddess figure. It's not as lifelike as this, but it's pretty good.


Is that a Sweet Marble faceup? That's beautiful.

Arigato for the links, guys. I definitely have some reading to do. :)